Match the sentences with their respective verb tense respectively:

I. Molly will finish her chores when she has time.
II. Galileo observed the stars.
III. Cats eat mice and birds.

a) Past Simple, Present Simple and Future Simple.
b) Future Simple, Past Simple and Present Simple.
c) Present Simple, Future Simple and Past Simple.
d) Future Simple, Present Simple and Past Simple.
e) All answers are incorrect.

a) I. Molly will finish her chores when she has time. = Simple Future
- Estrutura verbal: suj + will + verbo na forma infinitiva sem to
b) II. Galileo observed the stars. = Simple Past (formado por verbo regular: -ed no final).
Observed é verbo regular, cujo passado é formado pelo acréscimo de -ed ao fim da forma base.
c) III. Cats eat mice and birds = Simple present.
O tempo verbal simple present é usado para expressar fatos, fatos científicos, hábitos e rotina.

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