Genitive Case (possessive case) - 20 Exercícios com gabarito

01. (UNESP)Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna:
The __________ uncle was dead.
a) writer
b) writers
c) writer of
d) writer's
e) writers of the

02. (UNITAU) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à tradução mais adequada da frase a seguir:
My mother's maid has just bought the dog's meat.
a) Minha mãe e a empregada acabam de comprar a carne do cachorro.
b) A empregada de minha mãe acaba de comprar a carne do cachorro.
c) Minha mãe acabou de fazer a carne do cachorro.
d) Minha mãe fará compras com a empregada e o cachorro.
e) Minha mãe é empregada e comprou carne de cachorro.

03. (FUVEST) Reescreva empregando o caso genitivo: 
John and Mary are cousins. Have you met the parents of John and of Mary?
a) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John and Mary's parents.
b) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John's and Mary's parents.
c) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John's and Mary parents.
d) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John's and Mary's parents’.
e) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John's and Mary's parent’s.

04. (URCA) You can find an example of genitive case in:
a) “They are going to miss him when he's gone.”
b) “It’s not so much his massive wealth or media influence…”
c) “Berlusconi's not just any old charlatan.”
d) “…because he's created it through his media influence.”
e) “Italy's greatest weaknesses and its worst instincts.”

05. (UFRS) The phrases "Americans' encounter" the nation's energies" and "America's physical geography" are examples of:
a) passive voice.
b) the infinitive.
c) the gerund,
d) the genitive.
e) indirect speech.
06. (UNESP) __________ farm is that large one? It is __________.
a) Which – Peter's
b) Whose – Peter's
c) Whose – of Peter
d) Which – for Peter
e) What – Peter's

07. (UFRS) O possessivo, usado como em "Woody Allen's Sweet and Lowdown", está correto em todas as alternativas abaixo, EXCETO em:
a) There was a two hours' delay at the airport in London.
b) Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange is a milestone in modern literature.
c) In our last holidays we had to cope with our young relatives' weird ideas.
d) Elizabeth I's interest on sea voyages brought development to England.
e) Maggie and Millie's eyebrows are so thin you can hardly see them.
08. (FATEC) Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso correto do caso possessivo, como no substantivo "media" em "the media's collective attention":
a) mens' garment.
b) womens' wear.
c) mental's disturbance.
d) children's clothes.
e) disappointment's feeling.

09. (UNESP) ndique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado da expressão em destaque na sentença: 
It is important to remember that THE BEHAVIOR OF DEPRESSED CHILDREN may change.
a) the depressed children's behavior
b) the behavior's depressed children
c) the behavior of the depressed children's
d) the children's depressed behavior
e) the depressed behavior's children

10. (UFRS) While the danger does not seem to dampen anyone's partying spirit, violence is much feared and the threat is much discussed among the locals.
– The use of 'S is the same in ANYONE'S PARTYING SPIRIT and in:
a) Everyone's invited for Carnival in Rio.
b) The American's luggage was checked carefully.
c) My friend Jeremy's arrived.
d) Nobody's pleased with the situation.
e) The Mexican tourist's coming tomorrow.
11. (ITA) Assinalar a alternativa onde o uso do caso genitivo esteja CORRETO:
a) For goodness’ sake, this is my brother-in-law’s dog.
b) For goodness’ sake, this is my brother's-in-law dog.
c) For goodness sake's, this is my brother-in-law's dog.
d) For goodness sake's, this is my brother's-in-law dog.
e) For goodness sake's, this is my brother-in-law dog's.

12. (PUCMG) Qual destas frases está CORRETA?
a) My father’s mother is my niece.
b) My father’s mother is my aunt.
c) My father’s mother is my grandmother.
d) My father’s mother is my great-grandmother.
e) My father’s mother is my sister.

13. (Mackenzie-SP) Escolha a alternativa que contém exclusivamente palavras no singular.
a) News, phenomenon, ox.
b) Foxes, church, business.
c) Mice, tooth, mouth.
d) Foot, lice, knife.
e) Wives,wolves,child.

14. (UEMA) Is this your car? No, it’s not. It’s _________.
a) John’s.
b) of John’s
c) the John’s
d) of the John.
e) John.

15. (EFOMM) Betty, Jane and I were invited to a party at __________ home.
a) your friend’s Carol
b) our friend Carol
c) our friend Carol’s
d) your friend’s Carol’s
e) her friends’ Carol

16. (AFA) The honor to a woman is to:
a) refer to the daughter of her mother’s.
b) have the same of her daughter’s name.
c) be referred to as her daughter’s mother.
d) be called by the name of her daughter’s.

17. (JFS) Leia o fragmento a seguir: 
"When you look at the architecture in Chile you see buildings that have damage, but not the complete pancaking that you've got in Haiti," said Cameron Sinclair, executive director of Architecture for Humanity, a 10-year-old nonprofit that has helped people in 36 countries rebuild after disasters. _______________ received 400 requests for help the day after the Haiti quake but he said it had yet to receive a single request for help for Chile.
– O espaço em branco deve ser preenchido por qual das seguintes opções?
a) Sinclair San Francisco’s based organization
b) Sinclair's San Francisco-based organization
c) Sinclair's San Francisco’s based organization
d) San Francisco-based organization by Sinclair
e) San Francisco’s based organization by Sinclair
18. (UDESC) Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: The __________ offices are very modern. 
a) businessmen’
b) businessmens’
c) businessmans’
d) businessmen’s

19. (FATEC) Escolha a alternativa da qual se origina a construção “Hollenbeck’s father”
a) The father of the Hollenbeck.
b) Father of the Hollenbeck.
c) Father of Hollenbeck.
d) The father of Hollenbeck.
e) The father Hollenbeck.

20. (COLÉGIO NAVAL) Mark the INCORRECT option according to the Genitive Case.
a) The door’s car is open.
b) The world’s population is increasing.
c) I’m going to Grandma’s.
d) Which are Fred's and Eric’s cars?
e) This is my mother-in-law's house.

01. d) writer's
02. b) A empregada de minha mãe acaba de comprar a carne do cachorro.
03. b) John and Mary are cousins. Have you met John's and Mary's parents.
04. e) “Italy's greatest weaknesses and its worst instincts.”
05. d) the genitive.
06. b) Whose – Peter's
07. e) Maggie and Millie's eyebrows are so thin you can hardly see them.
08. d) children's clothes.
09. a) the depressed children's behavior
10. b) The American's luggage was checked carefully.
11. a) For goodness’ sake, this is my brother-in-law’s dog.
12. c) My father’s mother is my grandmother.
13. a) News, phenomenon, ox.
14. a) John’s.
15. c) our friend Carol’s
16. b) have the same of her daughter’s name.
17. b) Sinclair's San Francisco-based organization
18. d) businessmen’s
19. d) The father of Hollenbeck.
20. a) The door’s car is open.

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