Quantifiers and Intensifiers - 30 Exercícios com gabarito

01. (UEL) Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada:
"Did you like the film?"
"No, not very __________."
"__________ was wrong with it?"
"The actors were good but the story was too sentimental."
a) much – What
b) many – Why
c) few – When
d) little – How
e) so – Where

02. (FUND. CARLOS CHAGAS – BA) Choose the correct alternative: “Only _____ survived the accident”
a) much
b) many
c) a lot
d) any
e) a few

03. (UnB – DF) Fill in the blanks correctly: “He has _______ friends but ______ enemies
a) lots of – little
b) a lot of – much
c) few – many
d) many – one
e) much – a few

04. (MACKENZIE) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following 
I. Could you give me __________ water? I'm so thirsty.
II. I have very __________ money. I need more.
III. Who has __________ friends than John? Nobody I think.
IV. Only __________ people came to the party yesterday. It was boring!
V. I have __________ time to stay with my family nowadays.
a) I. less; II. little; III. lesser; IV. a few; V. few
b) I. some; II. a little; III. few; IV. little; V. lesser
c) I. a little; II. little; III. fewer; IV. few; V. less
d) I. little; II. a little; III. less; IV. a few; V. least
e) I. few; II. less; III. least; IV. little; V. more

05.  (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas 
da frase a seguir:
Do politicians work __________ and earn __________ money?
a) little – many
b) very – much
c) much – few
d) little – much
e) hard – many

06. (UFPR) __________ of our history and the lives of __________ of  our great men and women are recreated by the movies.
– Choose the alternative(s) that can complete the sentence above correctly:
01) much – much
02) much – many
04) many – much
08) a lot – a lot 
16) a lot – much
32) a lot – many
a) 02 + 08 + 16 + 32 = 58
b) 01 + 04 + 08 + 32 = 45
c) 02 + 04 + 08 + 16 = 30
d) 01 + 02 + 32 = 35
e) 02 + 08 + 32 = 42

07. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
It is not easy to learn a foreign language. It requires __________ years of study.
a) many
b) much
c) little
d) lot of
e) any

08. (UNESP) ________ has been written about this subject.
a) Much
b) Many
c) Lost of
d) Fewer
e) Few

09. (ITA) If you had studied harder you would have had _______ difficulty.
a) many
b) very
c) more
d) fewer
e) less

10. (FUVEST) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas:
Give me __________ tea with __________ sugar.
a) many – much
b) some – a lot of
c) short – many
d) bit – a lot of
e) some – many

11. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
How __________ shoes are there in the shop windows?
a) much
b) many
c) few
d) a few
e) a lot of

12. (ITA) Assinale a opção cuja frase esteja gramaticalmente correta:
a) There is fewer people at the party than Mary expected.
b) There is less people at the party than Mary expected.
c) There are less people at the party than Mary expected.
d) There are fewer people at the party than Mary expected.
e) There was less people at the party than Mary expected.

13. (CESGRANRIO) Which of the following sentences can be completed with the word MANY as in "the laser has many applications"?
a) The laser beam is being used by __________ telephone companies.
b) The laser beam has caused __________ advance in various areas.
c) Science has gained __________ from the latest applications of the laser.
d) __________ effort has resulted in significant technological improvement.
e) Scientists have devoted __________ time to research in the field of communication.

14.  (UFRS) Na sentença “the Tamagotchi is a Keychain-size plastic egg that houses a small LCD in which ‘lives’ a creature that you nurture by pushing a variety of buttons”, a expressão a variety of buttons significa o mesmo que:
a) little buttons.
b) several buttons.
c) all the buttons.
d) very small buttons.
e) too many buttons.

15. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase adiante:
Must you always make so __________ noise?
a) much
b) many
c) most
d) few
e) less

16. (UFRS) These pioneers began a revolution that has culminated in a firmly established belief among most American employers that women can do the job – any job – as well as men. Many thought that day would never come.
– Na frase "Many thought that day would never come", a palavra mais adequada para completar o sentido de many é:
a) beliefs.
b) most.
c) women.
d) standards.
e) discrimination.

17. (UEL) When the first men arrived in Samoa they found blind men who could see well __________ to describe things in detail just by holding their hands over objects. In France, just after the First World War, Jules Romain tested hundreds of blind people, and found a __________ that could tell the difference between light and dark. He narrowed their photosensitivity down to the nose or in the fingertips.
– Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do texto:
a) so – some
b) very – any
c) enough – few
d) little – one
e) less – plenty

18. (CESGRANRIO) The following sentences should be completed with FEW or LITTLE:
I. Many of us tried but very __________ succeeded.
II. To our surprise, changes in foreign policy were __________.
III. That school is so expensive that only __________ children 
can attend it.
IV. That crane can lift objects weighing a __________hundred pounds.
V. We had __________ chance of success.
– The sentence which must be completed which FEW are:
a) I and IV, only.
b) II and III, only.
c) I, II and V, only.
d) I, II, III and IV, only.
e) II, III, IV and V, only.

19. (UFSM) A expressão a few numbers em "the new phones can be programmed to dial only a few numbers" indica:
a) número controlado.
b) grande quantidade.
c) número insuficiente.
d) número ilimitado.
e) número incompleto.

20. (UFPE) Identify the equivalent phrases to the one which is in capital word:
Not since the O.J. Simpson criminal trial have SO MANY Americans been discussing one single issue.
(0) such a small number of
(1) such a large number of
(2) such a few
(3) such a considerable number of
(4) such a fair number of
a) F V F V F
b) F V F V V
c) F F F V V
d) V V V F V
e) V V F V F

21.  (PUCPR) Mark the correct alternative to fill the gaps of the dialogue below:
At the Supermarket...
Wife: Do we need (I) wheat?
Husband: Yes, we do. We haven't got (II) wheat.
Husband: We need (III) apples, don't we?
Wife: No, we don't. We have got (IV) apples. But we have (V) carrots and (VI) cheese. Let's get some...
a) I. some; II. much; III. any; IV. few; V. many; VI. little
b) I. much; II. any; III. many; IV. too much; V. few; VI. few
c) I. few; II. some; III. little; IV. many; V. little; VI. little
d) I. any; II. much; III. some; IV. many; V. few; VI. little
e) I. few; II. many; III. few; IV. no; V. much; VI. many

22. (UNESP) I have a __________ friends.
a) ten
b) few
c) some
d) many
e) several

23. (FATEC) Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso gramatical correto de "there is":
a) There is few teachers and parents talking to the children.
b) There is some children who need help.
c) There is a lot of frightened adults after the attack.
d) There is many events happening at the same time.
e) There is much anger among people in New York.

24. (CESGRANRIO) LAUGHTER is an uncountable noun. Mark the sentence below that shows the correct usage of countable and uncountable nouns:
a) I'll have just a bread for dinner.
b) John has fewer money than Paul.
c) Can you give me an advice?
d) I need some informations.
e) My mother is in very good health

25. (CESGRANRIO) LITTLE is used in "There is still very little known about compulsive spenders". Check the item in which it must also be used to complete the sentence meaningfully.
a) __________ people claim they don't like to go shopping.
b) Many adults are compulsive spenders, but very __________ children suffer from this obsession.
c) Researchers are willing to spend __________ thousand dollars to find out more about compulsive shopping.
d) As the famous psychiatrist was talking about compulsive shoppers, the audience interrupted very __________.
e) Apparently, changes in the treatment recommended to obsessive shoppers were very __________.

26.  (JFS) Read the following excerpt:
Watched by his wife, Zahra Rahnavard, Mr. Mousavi told an audience of female supporters in Tehran: "We should reform laws that are unfair to women." As Ms. Rahnavard spoke, many in the crowd shouted protests against the morality police, who regularly arrest women they deem inappropriately dressed.
– Which of the following is the best option to be used after the word many in the sentence “many in the crowd shouted protests against the morality police” in order to complete its meaning?
a) women.
b) people.
c) citizens.
d) dwellers.
e) wives.

27.  (ESCOLA NAVAL) Analyse the sentences below. Which alternative is correct?
a) A little people passed the exam because it was too difficult.
b) Few people passed the exam because it was too difficult.
c) Much people passed the exam because it was too difficult.
d) Many people passed the exam because it was too difficult.
e) A lot of people passed the exam because it was too difficult.

28.  (UEL) I don't like to spend my vacation in the country. There isn't __________ to do.
a) some
b) much
c) many
d) nothing
e) everything

29. (EFOMM) Choose the option which completes the sentences below correctly:
It is __________ use trying to change her mind.
Slowly, __________ children began coming to school.
Unfortunately, he had __________ friends.
Could you possibly give me __________ help?
a) a little / a few / few / little
b) a little / a few / little / little
c) a little / few / few / a little
d) little / few / little / a little
e) little / a few / few / a little

30.  (JFS) Taking the following sentences mark the option which fills the blanks correctly. 
i. A great __________ people who voted for her in the last election will not be doing so this time.
ii. Have you heard __________ of Polly recently?
iii. The repairs to our car cost __________ more than we were expecting.
iv. I know quite __________ people who've had the same problem.
v. With __________ training she could do very well.
a) i. much; ii. much; iii. very; iv. few; v. little
b) i. much; ii. much; iii. very; iv. a few; v. a little
c) i. many; ii. little; iii. much; iv. few; v. little
d) i. many; ii. little; iii. much; iv. a few; v. a little
e) i. many; ii. much; iii. much; iv. a few; v. a little

Você poderá fazer doações voluntárias!

01. a) much – What
02. c) a lot
03. c) few – many
04. c) I. a little; II. little; III. fewer; IV. few; V. less
05. d) little – much
06. e) 02 + 08 + 32 = 42
07. a) many
08. a) Much
09. e) less
10. b) some – a lot of
11. b) many
12. d) There are fewer people at the party than Mary expected.
13. a) The laser beam is being used by __________ telephone companies.
14. b) several buttons.
15. a) much
16. c) women.
17. c) enough – few
18. d) I, II, III and IV, only.
19. a) número controlado.
20. b) F V F V V
21. d) I. any; II. much; III. some; IV. many; V. few; VI. little
22. b) few
23. e) There is much anger among people in New York.
24. e) My mother is in very good health.
25. d) As the famous psychiatrist was talking about compulsive shoppers, the audience interrupted very __________.
26. a) women.
27. b) Few people passed the exam because it was too difficult.
28. b) much
29. e) little / a few / few / a little
30. e) i. many; ii. much; iii. much; iv. a few; v. a little

3 comentários:

  1. 3) Apenas muitos sobreviveram ao acidente? não seria apenas alguns (a few)?

    1. a few é equivante a some ou seja, da uma ideia de pouco, mas suficiente, e o Only quebra esse sentido de suficiente. Então o correto deveria ser ANY.
