ADVERBS (ADVÉRBIOS) - 30 Exercícios com gabarito

01. (UNESP) The sun __________ rises in the west.
a) sometimes
b) always
c) usually
d) never
e) often

02. (ITA)

As an American Express Card member, you will enjoy a relationship with us that goes beyond the ordinary. You will be treated as a MEMBER, not a number. And you will receive the respect and recognition ‘seldom’ found today.

O termo seldom, entre aspas no trecho adiante, poderia ser substituído por:
a) often.
b) usually.
c) always.
d) rarely.
e) occasionally.

03. (UEL) 
After 20 years of scientific advances, ‘nearly’ three out of four infertile couples seeking medical assistance to have a child still go home to an empty crib.

In the text bellow, the word nearly means:
a) hardly.
b) far.
c) almost.
d) close.
e) over.

04.  (PUC-SP) Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence. 
"Mr. Myers told me he will leave ________." 
a) by train ; for Paris ; at 8 o'clock ; next week. 
b) for Paris ; at 8 o'clock ; next week ; by train. 
c) next week ; at 8 o'clock ; by train ; for Paris. 
d) at 8 o'clock ; next week ; for Paris ; by train. 
e) for Paris ; by train ; at 8 o'clock ; next week. 

05.  (VPNE) This is a ________ good course for you to take.
a) enough
b) only
c) nearly
d) much
e) very 
06. (F.C.M.STA.CASA-SP) The suffix-LY in words like UNCONTROVERSIALLY , SIMPLY , RELIABLY , and TIGHTLY  indicates... 
a) manner. 
b) frequency. 
c) emphasis. 
d) comparison. 
e) quality. 
07. (PUC-RS) A palavra "readily" poderia ser substituída sem alteração do sentido por 
a) hardly. 
b) promptly. 
c) mostly. 
d) practically. 
e) wildly. 
08. (VPNE) I noticed the student speak English _______________.
a) very fluent
b) fluent
c) more fluent
d) fluently
e) fluency

09. (JFS) Which word is not an adverb?
a) Wholly.
b) Weekly.
c) Earthly.
d) Sadly.
e) Proudly.

10. (FMU/FIAM/FAAM-SP) In the the text, the word SUDDENLY means 
a) bravely. 
b) slowly. 
c) unexpectedly. 
d) calmly. 
e) timely. 

11. (VPNE) They ran very _______ in the race but at the end they could ______ breathe.
a) fast, harder
b) fast, hardly
c) fast, hard
d) faster, hardly
e) fastly, hard

12. (VPNE) Complete o diálogo, usando os advérbios corretos:
– Hasn’t anyone caught the thief ____________?
–  No, he hasn’t been caught ______. He will be caught ______
a) already; still; just now
b) yet; yet; soon
c) now; already; tomorrow
d) still; yet; immediately
e) yet; already; at the moment

13.  (U.F.S.CARLOS-SP)  Brazilian people ____________ drink beer, mainly on weekends. 
a) rarely 
b) never 
c) sometimes 
d) seldom 
e) usually 

14. (OSEC-SP) I ___________ go jogging. I need to lose weight, because I'm a bit fat. 
a) never 
b) rarely 
c) seldom 
d) always 
e) sometimes 

15. (VPNE) You are a gentleman, and as ______ you must be polite to women.
a) yet
b) thus
c) so
d) sure
e) such
16. (MACK-SP) You won't convince me of your good intentions __________ hard you try. 
a) whenever 
b) whatever 
c) whoever 
d) wherever 
e) however 

17. (FUVEST) Nora's husband is ___________ mean ___________ he never gives anything to anybody. 
a) enough / that 
b) hardly / so 
c) perhaps / that 
d) so / that 
e) that / so 
18. (VPNE) They haven’t _____ thought of it________.
a) whether /yet
b) even / yet
c) then / also
d) ever / always
e) even / only

19. (CESCEM-SP) We believe she's got talent ___________ to win this prize. 
a) ever 
b) hardly 
c) enough 
d) possibly 
e) however 

20. (MACK-SP) 
- Hasn't he corrected the exercises ____________? 
- No, not ___________. 
a) yet / yet 
b) yet / ready 
c) already / never 
d) already / ever 
e) ever / yet 

21. (VPNE) The test was _______ no one passed.
a)  very hard that
b) too hard for that
c) too hard, so
d) so hard so that
e) even / only 

22. (FMU/FIAM/FAAM-SP) - Hi, Geraldo! How do you feel ___________? 
a) never 
b) often 
c) once 
d) yet 
e) today   
23. (UECE) This machine is to be operated very carefully. Operated ____________ may damage it ____________. 
a) often / serious 
b) never / serious 
c) otherwise / seriously 
d) well / still 
e) otherwise / yet 

24. (MACKANZE) The same as 'Mr. Burton hardly talked to me.' is: 
a) Hardly did Mr. Burton talked to me. 
b) Hardly Mr. Burton talked to me. 
c) Hardly did Mr. Burton talk to me. 
d) Did Mr. Burton hardly talk to me. 
e) Mr. Burton talked to me hardly. 
25. (MACKNZE) A sentença "MAL SABIA ELE QUE ELA ERA CASADA", em inglês, seria: 
a) He didn't little know that she married. 
b) Did he little know that she was married. 
c) Badly knew he that she married. 
d) Little did he know that she was married. 
e) Little knew he that she was married. 

26. (UNIRIO) Mark the sentence which contains an emphatic element. 
a) "The sky's the limit." 
b) "This too shall pass."  
c) "It can even be comforting." 
d) "First, sky watching gives you a break." 
e) "Sky watching reminds you that you're part of a much larger picture."  

27. ( EFOMM) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence. 
"Seldom __________ such an intelligent man." 
a) talked I to 
b) have I talked to 
c) did I talked to 
d) I have talked to  
e) had I talk to 

28. (METODISTA-SP) Assinale a alternativa correta: 
a) He played the piano bad extremely. 
b) He played the piano extreme bad. 
c) He played the piano extreme badly. 
d) He played extremely the piano bad. 
e) He played the piano extremely badly. 

29.  (UNB) Common gestures mean __________ different things in different cultures. 
a) surprisingly 
b) very surprise 
c) often surprise 
d) fast surprisingly 
e) soon surprise 

30. (CESESP-PE) The plane landed very ___________, as if it were very light. 
a) seldom 
b) slowly 
c) only 
d) lately 
e) always

Poderá ver também:

01. QUESTÃO: d) never
02. QUESTÃO: d) rarely.
03. QUESTÃO: c) almost.
04. QUESTÃO: b) for Paris ; at 8 o'clock ; next week ; by train. 
05. QUESTÃO: e) very 
06. QUESTÃO: a) manner. 
07. QUESTÃO: b) promptly. 
08. QUESTÃO: d) fluently
09. QUESTÃO: c) Earthly.
10. QUESTÃO: c) unexpectedly. 
11. QUESTÃO: b) fast, hardly
12. QUESTÃO: b) yet; yet; soon  
13. QUESTÃO: e) usually 
14. QUESTÃO: d) always 
15. QUESTÃO: e) such
16. QUESTÃO: d) wherever 
17. QUESTÃO: d) so / that 
18. QUESTÃO: b) even / yet
19. QUESTÃO: c) enough 
20. QUESTÃO: a) yet / yet 
21. QUESTÃO: c) too hard, so
22. QUESTÃO: e) today   
23. QUESTÃO: c) otherwise / seriously 
24. QUESTÃO: c) Hardly did Mr. Burton talk to me. 
25. QUESTÃO: d) Little did he know that she was married. 
26. QUESTÃO: c) "It can even be comforting." 
27. QUESTÃO: b) have I talked to
28. QUESTÃO: e) He played the piano extremely badly. 
29. QUESTÃO: a) surprisingly 
30. QUESTÃO: b) slowly 

3 comentários:

  1. a 1 é covardia... tem que saber inglês e geografia kkkkkkkkkkk

    1. Mas é o básico né kkkkk, o sol nasce ao leste

  2. A número 4 não está com o gabarito errado ? Visto que o adv de lugar deve vir antes do de tempo e após o de modo. O de modo vem após o verbo. E advérbio de tempo definido deveria vir no fim da frase.
