Artigos Indefinidos (A/An) - Indefinite articles (A/An)

Os artigos indefinidos A e An acompanham o substantivo do qual o falante/leitor ainda não tem conhecimento. Significam, em Português, UM ou UMA, e não variam em gênero nem em número, ao contrário do português.

A (um, uma): é usado antes de palavras no singular que comecem com som consonantal: a horse, a door, a mouse, a pen, a university.  

An (um, uma): é usado antes de palavras no singular que comecem por som vocálico: an apple, an hour, an office, an artist. 

Temos ainda:

1. Usa-se a / an antes dos nomes das profissões: 

I am a teacher. 
She’s an engineer. 

2. Substantivos que indicam nacionalidade: 
- Who won the race? (Quem ganhou a corrida?) 
- It was a German.   (Foi um alemão.) 

3. Substantivos que denotam religião:  
Mary is a devout Catholic. (Mary é uma católica devota.) 

4. Antes de um substantivo singular e contável, usado como exemplo de uma classe ou grupo:  

A lion has a mane.  (Leão tem juba.)  
A dog is a good companion.  (O cachorro é um bom companheiro.) 
A politician is usually corrupt.  (Político é normalmente corrupto.)  

5. Diante das palavras few e little com sentido positivo (algum, alguns = o suficiente):  

I can see a few buildings in the distance. (a few = um pequeno número, antes de substantivos contáveis) 
(Posso avistar alguns prédios ao longe.) 
I'd like a little milk in my coffee, please. (a little = uma pequena quantidade, antes de substantivos incontáveis) 
(Gostaria de um pouco de leite em meu café, por favor.) 

6. Antes de numerais ou substantivos que implicam quantidade: 
Grace Kelly has a hundred pairs of high-heeled shoes. (Grace Kelly tem uma centena de pares de sapato de saltos altos.) 
The President told us a thousand lies. (O Presidente nos contou mil mentiras.) 
She bought a dozen eggs to cook a dessert. (Ela comprou uma dúzia de ovos para fazer uma sobremesa.) 

7. Depois da palavra what ("que" com sentido enfático), such (tal, tais) e half (meio / meia), precedendo substantivos contáveis: 
What a terrible movie we watched! (Que filme horrível assistimos!) 

No entanto: What complete research you presented! Congratulations! (research = subst incontável) (Que pesquisa completa você apresentou! Parabéns!) 

I've never seen such a wildstorm. (Nunca vi uma tempestade tão violenta.) 

8. Também utiliza-se o artigo indefinido com sentido de por em expressões como "preço por quilo", "km por hora", "vezes por dia", etc.: 
one real a kilo (um real por quilo)  
Ninety kilometers an hour (noventa quilômetros por hora)  
three times a day (três vezes ao dia) 
two times a week (duas vezes por semana) 
four times a year (quatro vezes por ano) 

OBSERVAÇÃO: Os artigos indefinidos singulares (um, uma) em inglês são representados pelas palavras A/AN. É importante lembrar que estes artigos são exclusivamente singulares, não podendo, em hipótese alguma, serem seguidos de palavras no plural. 

- Não é usado antes de substantivos no plural.  Nesse caso coloca-se some: a boy → some boys 


01. (VPNE) Complete as frases utilizando o artigo a ou an

a) She has ____ white dog.
b) He wants ____ piece of that cake.
c) I love to eat ____ apple every morning.
d) She has an interesting idea.
e) My dad got ____ new job.
f) Sarah wants to be ____ dancer.
g) I will take ____ taxi.
h) Maria is ____ good girl.
i) My cousin wants to be ____ astronaut.
j) She is ____ girl.
k) He is ____ boy.
l) I need to buy ____ backpack.

02. (VPNE) Preencha as lacunas com o artigo correto e assinale a alternativa certa 

2.1) Yesterday I ate ________ egg and ________ apple for breakfast. 
a) an - an
b) an - a
c) a - an
d) a - a 

2.2) I have ____ imporant thing to say and ____ new for you.
a) an - an
b) a - an
c) an - a
d) a - a

2.3) Julia wants to have ____ ice-cream, Kelly wants ____ banana-split, Trevor wants ____ avocado dessert and I want ____ acai cup.
a) an - a - an - a
b) an - a - an - an
c) a - an - an -an
d) an - an - a - a
e) a - a - an - an 

2.4) Inside my bag there's ____ Iphone, ____ earphone, ____ lipstick, ____ wallet, ____ documents and ____ cookies.
a) an - an - a - a - some - some
b) a - a - an - an - some - some
c) some - a - an - an - a - some
d) some - an - a - an - a - some
e) a - an - an - some - a - some 

2.5) I know  ____ girl and she has  ____ friends. ____ time ago, ____ friend of mine gave me ____ advice to make ____ invitation, but I'm waiting ____ exact moment to do it. 
a) an - some - a - an - n - an - an
b) an - some - an - an - a - a - a
c) a - some - a - a - an - an - an
d) a - some - a - a - an - a - a
e) an - some - an - a - an - an - a

03. (VPNE) Complete as frases com A/AN

a) Lucy has ___ dog.
b) Ben bought ___ old bike.
c) It’s ___ honor to meet ___ smart girl like you at my home.
d) John is ___ honest boy.
e) We have ___ hour until the exam.
f) She is ___ university teacher
g) He is ___ British guy.

04. (VPNE) Complete as frases com os artigos A e AN se necessário

a) The speed of his car was 240 miles _____ hour.
b) Her father is _____ arthitect and her mother is _____ doctor
c) She has _____ owl and _____ rabbit.
d) I will buy _____ car and my bother will buy _____ motocicle
e) Bob wants to sell his house to buy _____ new one

05. (UNIP) It’s ________ honor to meet ________ young lady from ________ Sweden.

a) a / an / an
b) an / a / a
c) a / an / a
d) an / a / …
e) a / a / a

06. (VPNE) Fill in the blanks of the following sentence with the definite article:

 _____ Brazil is _____ most industrial country in_____ South America, while _____ United States holds _____ same position in _____ North America. – Choose the correct alternative: 
a) the; the; the; the; the; the
b) ---; the; the; ---; the; ---
c) ---; the; ---; the; the; ---
d) ---; the; the; the; the; ---
e) the; ---; ---; ---; the; the

07. (VPNE) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase a seguir: It was _____ honor for us to see _____ Queen of _____ England.

a) a – the – the
b) * – a – *
c) an – a – the
d) the – * – an
e) an – the – *
08. (VPNE)  _____ money is very important, but you can't buy _____ bit of luck with all _____ money you have.

a) The / a / the
b) --- / a / the
c) A / a / the
d) Some / a / the
e) The / a / ---

09. (VPNE) In _____ beginning, _____ religion played _____ important part in _____ history of _____ Brazil.

a) a / the / a / the / ---
b) --- / the / an / the / ---
c) the / the / a / the / ---
d) the / --- / an / the / ---
e) the / the / an / the / --- 

a) She has a white dog.
b) He wants a piece of that cake.
c) I love to eat an apple every morning.
d) She has an interesting idea.
e) My dad got a new job.
f) Sarah wants to be a dancer.
g) I will take a taxi.
h) Maria is a good girl.
i) My cousin wants to be an astronaut.
j) She is a girl.
k) He is a boy.
l) I need to buy a backpack.

2.1) Yesterday I ate ________ egg and ________ apple for breakfast. 
Resposta certa: an - an
2.2) I have ____ imporant thing to say and ____ new for you.
Resposta certa: an - a
2.3) Julia wants to have ____ ice-cream, Kelly wants ____ banana-split, Trevor wants ____ avocado dessert and I want ____ acai cup.
Resposta certa: an - a - an - an
2.4) Inside my bag there's ____ Iphone, ____ earphone, ____ lipstick, ____ wallet, ____ documents and ____ cookies.
Resposta certa: an - an - a - a - some - some
2.5) I know  ____ girl and she has  ____ friends. ____ time ago, ____ friend of mine gave me ____ advice to make ____ invitation, but I'm waiting ____ exact moment to do it. 
Resposta certa: a - some - a - a - an - an - an

a) Lucy has a dog.
b) Ben bought an old bike.
c) It’s an honor to meet a smart girl like you at my home.
d) John is an honest boy.
e) We have an hour until the exam.
f) She is a university teacher
g) He is a British guy.

a) The speed of his car was 240 miles an hour.
b) Her father is an arthitect and her mother is a doctor
c) She has an owl and a rabbit.
d) I will buy a car and my bother will buy a motocicle
e) Bob wants to sell his house to buy a new one

05. D
06. C
07. E
08. B
09. E

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