NOUNS e plural of nouns - 20 Exercícios com gabarito

 01.  (PUCC) O plural de sister – in – law, child e armchair é:

a) sister – in – law, children, armchairs
b) sister – in – law, children, armschair
c) sisters – in – law, childs, armchairs
d) sister – in – law, children, armchairs
e) sisters – in – law, children, armchairs

02. (OSEC) ___________ names were published in this list.

a) Hundreds
b) Hundreds of
c) Hundred
d) Hundred of
e) Five hundreds of

03. (FUVEST) - Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas:

Boys have big _____ and girls have small _____.
a) foots – ones
b) feet – ones
c) feet – one
d) feets – ones
e) foot – one

04. (FMU) ___________ are generally big and black animals.

a) Ox
b) Oxes
c) Oxen
d) Foxen
e) Fox

05. (CESGRANRIO) KNIVES is the plural of KNIFE. Which of the words below DOES NOT form its plural in the same way?

a) Wife.
b) Life.
c) Leaf.
d) Chief.
e) Half.

06. (ABC) The plural of brother – in – law is:

a) brothers – in – law
b) brother – in – laws
c) brothers – in – laws
d) brethren – in – laws
e) it has no plural

07. (VPNE) - The plural of wife, goose, mouse and hero are:

a) wifes, gooses, mouses, heroes.
b) wifes, geese, mice, heroes.
c) wives, geese, mice, heros.
d) wives, geese, mice, heroes.
e) wifes, gooses, mouses, heros.

08. (PUCC) O plural de buzz, country e shelf é:

a) buzz, countres, shelfs
b) buzzes, countries, shelves
c) buzzes, countres, shelves
d) buzzes, countrys, shelves
e) buzz, countres, shelves

09. (VPNE) - The plural forms of the underlined words in the sentence "Jane is afraid of mouse and louse" are respectively:

a) mice – lice
b) mices – lices
c) mouses – louses
d) mice – louses
e) mouses – lice

10. (MACK – HUM) The plural of louse and mouse is:

a) louses – mouses
b) lice – mice
c) lice – mouses
d) louses – mice
e) a and b are corrects

11. (PUC-PR) Match the columns below so that the words in the second column fit the sentences provided in the first one:

1.Tom and Mary love their _____.
2. Put the oranges inside those _____.
3. I can't walk. My _____ are aching a lot.
4. The _____ are flying south.
5. The cat is hunting the _____.
6. When Jane fell over, she broke two of her _____.

(  ) feet
(  ) teeth
(  ) children
(  ) geese
(  ) mice
(  ) boxes

– Choose the correct alternative:
a) 6 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 2
b) 3 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 2
c) 3 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 1
d) 5 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 1
e) 3 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 5

12.  (VPNE) - Considering that the plural form of the following words:

1. Man is Men
2. Woman is Women
3. Roman is Romen

– The incorrect datum(a) is(are) the:
a) number 1.
b) number 2.
c) number 3.
d) numbers 1 and 2.
e) numbers 1 and 3.

13.  (FMU) Their ___________ are against their attitudes.

a) believe
b) belief
c) believes
d) beliefs
e) believ

14. (VPNE) - Dadas as afirmações de que o plural de:


– Constatamos que está(estão) correta(s):
a) Apenas a afirmação no 1.
b) Apenas a afirmação no 2.
c) Apenas a afirmação no 3.
d) Apenas as afirmações nos 1 e 3.
e) Todas as afirmações.

15. (PUCC) Five ________ packages were sent to South America.

a) thousand
b) thousand of
c) thousands
d) thousands of
e) all are correct

16. (VPNE) - Check the only word that could be used in the plural form:

a) Information.
b) Land.
c) Research.
d) Energy.
e) Employment.

17. (FMU) The little _________ are in that __________.                                 

a) foxes – boxes
b) fox – box
c) foxen – box
d) foxes – box
e) foxen – boxen

18.(CESGRANRIO) The word that DOESN'T have an irregular plural form like tooth – teeth is:

a) ox.
b) foot.
c) cloth.
d) goose.
e) mouse.

19. (JFS) Give the correct plural form of the words below:

Buffalo – Eskimo – Concerto – Person – Manservant – Thesis – Sister-In-Law – Die
a) Buffalos/ Eskimos/ Concertos/ Personas/ Menservants/ Theses/ Sisters-in-law/ Dice
b) Buffaloes/ Eskimos/ Concertos/ Persons/ Menservants/ Theses/ Sisters-in-law/ Dice
c) Buffaloes/ Eskimos/ Concertoes/ Persons/ Manservants/ Theses/ Sisters-in-law/ Dice
d) Buffaloes/ Eskimos/ Concertos/ Persons/ Menservants/ Theses/ Sister-in-laws/ Deaths
e) Buffalos/ Eskimoes/ Concertoes/ Personas/ Manservants/ Thesis/ Sister-in-laws/ Deaths

20. (Nucepe) The plural form of brother-in-law, foot and candy is:

a) brothers-in-laws, feet ,candys.
b) brothers-in-law, feet, candies.
c) brother-in-laws, feet, candies.
d) brothers-in-law, foots, candies.
e) brother-ins-law, foots, candys.

01 - E | 02 - B | 03 -  B | 04 - C | 05 - D | 06 - A | 07 - D | 08 - B | 09 - A | 10 - B | 11 - B | 12 - C | 13 - D | 14 - C | 15 - A | 16 - B | 17 - D | 18 - C | 19 - B | 20 - B

10 comentários:

  1. Ótimas questões
    corrigindo:07)D 09)A 12)C

    1. Regra do plural em inglês:

      Substantivos que terminam em ''fe'' ou ''f'' fazem o plural substituindo o ''fe'' e o ''f'' por ''ves''

      wife - wives

      shelf - shelves

      Substantivos que terminam em ''o'' fazem o plural acrescentando ''es''

      hero - heroes

      potato - potatoes

      Se o substantivo tiver ''oo'' troca o ''oo'' por ''ee'' (apenas 3 substantivos)

      goose - geese

      foot - feet

      tooth - teeth

      Algumas exceções:

      mouse - mice

      child - children

      man - men

      woman - women


  3. Gabarito errado na 11 ! O certo é Letra B

  4. Na 20 não entendi pq o plural de concerto é concertos e não consertoes, já que pela regra palavras terminadas em 'o'(após consoante) são acrescentados 'es'. pode me explicar?

    1. Apesar de haver a regra, há exceções e acredito que ''concerto'' seja uma exceção..

    2. Substantivos estrangeiros terminados em o só recebem o s, concerto deve ser uma palavra estrangeira.

  5. Sou burra demais,porém acertei a metade. É só estudar que aprende...
