Tempos verbais da língua inglesa (Verb Tenses) - 40 Exercícios Gabaritados

01. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase apresentada: 
The kids were hungry and __________ all the pie.
a) eats
b) ate
c) eating
d) eaten
e) not ate

02. (UNESP) When _____ World War II _______?
a) did – started
b) do – started
c) does – started
d) do – star
e) did – start

03. (MACKENZIE) Assinale a alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas I, II e III das frases a seguir:
He __________(I) me a favor 2 months ago.
They __________(II) an attempt to escape.
I __________(III) an important decision last night.
a) did –made – made
b) made – did – made
c) did – made – did
d) made – made – made
e) made – did – did

04. (MACKENZIE) Thanks _________ the financial aid he _________, he __________ to attend the university.
a) to – receives – had been able
b) for – has received – will be able
c) to – is receiving – wasn’t able
d) to – received – was able
e) for – received – would be able

05. (UFRJ) The infinitive and past simple forms of the verbs known and been are:
a) know and be.
b) knew and being.
c) know – knew and be – was/were.
d) known – knew and be – was/were.
e) know – knew and be – were/was.

06.  (UFV) In the sentence “Thousands of visitors were surprised when they saw and heard this invention”, the capital verbs are the past tenses of:
a) save and hide. 
b) say and hate. 
c) sit and have.
d) sing and hum.
e) see and hear.

07. (FATEC) Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a forma interrogativa correta da frase “the death rate rose 33 percent”:
a) Did the death rate rose 33 percent?
b) Did the death rate raise 33 percent?
c) Did the death rate rise 33 percent?
d) Does the death rate rise 33 percent?
e) Does the death rate rose 33 percent?

08. (UFRGS) O verbo “lead” forma o passado e o particípio passado do mesmo modo que:
a) meet. 
b) cut. 
c) tear.
d) see.
e) bear.

09.  (UFRGS) Complete the gap in the sentence below with the best alternative: 
In the past, English cavaliers __________ swords while __________ on the left.
a) drew – riding
b) draw – would ride
c) were drawing – riding
d) drew – have ridden
e) had drawn – rode

10. (FATEC) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à forma afirmativa do segmento “Engineers didn’t think”:
a) Engineers thought.
b) Engineers though.
c) Engineers through.
d) Engineers thru.
e) Engineers throw.

11.  (UNESP) Indique a alternativa que completa corretamente a sentença a seguir: 
The lady was sorry the Application __________ to eight pages, but she __________ it to get the information she __________.
a) runs – needs – wanted
b) runs – need – wanted
c) run – needs – wants
d) ran – needed – wanted
e) run – need – want

12.  (EFOMM) Susie was watching TV when her husband __________.
a) arrived
b) had arrived
c) was going to arrive
d) has arrived
e) would arrive

13. (UNITAU) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao verbo que tem duas formas distintas para pessoas diferentes no passado simples:
a) To have.
b) To do.
c) To go.
d) To become.
e) To be.

14. (FEI) Preencha os espaços em branco com a forma verbal correta:
When she __________ I __________ to do my work.
a) has arrived – had tried
b) arrived – was trying
c) arrives – was trying
d) has arrived – has tried
e) arrived – try

15. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
They __________ about art last night.
a) talks
b) talk
c) was talking
d) talking
e) were talking

16. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
When John came in __________ a book.
a) she was reading 
b) Mary is reading 
c) will read
d) should read
e) reads

17. (Fuvest) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
“Have you _________ the correct alternative?”:
a) choose
b) chase
c) choosed
d) chose
e) chosen

18. (Unesp) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase adiante
“Have you _________ my Uncle Jack?”:
a) not meet
b) meets
c) meeting
d) met
e) meet

19. (UFRGS) Complete a frase abaixo com a forma verbal mais adequada para cada lacuna: 
The kids_____________________in love with the Tamagotchi when they first_________________ it, but 
they______________________ with it lately.
a) fell– saw – have not played 
b) fall– see – did not play
c) fell– see– did not play 
d) have fallen – seen – do not play
e) fall– saw – have not played

20.  (FGV) Black Nigerian students have, on average __________ consistently better academically than their white European classmates. 
Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto:
a) did
b) does
c) do
d) done
e) doing

21. (UNESP) We’re still waiting for Bill. He _________ yet.
a) hasn’t come
b) haven’t come
c) didn’t come
d) doesn’t come
e) hadn’t come

22. (CESGRANRIO) In only a short time, the computer _______________ the way in which many jobs ___________.
a) had changed – do
b) changed – have done
c) has changed – are done
d) are changing – were done
e) will change – have been doing

23. (UNIRIO) A forma verbal has arrived em “Yes, the future has arrived: a movie theater at home, thanks to laser” traduz-se por:
a) está chegando.
b) tem chegado.
c) chegará.
d) chegou.
e) chega.

24. (UFRGS) Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence below correctly:
Mexico __________ many dificult crises in history, but now it __________ its own future.
a) has faced – is shaping
b) faced – was shaped
c) have faced – shapes
d) have been facing – shaped
e) faces – has been shaped

25. (UFV) In the sentence “Fortunately, people have invented countless ways of amusing themselves”, the bold verb tense is:
a) present perfect continuous.
b) present perfect simple.
c) simple present.
d) simple past.
e) past perfect.

26. (EFOMM) The paint is wet because he __________ the picture.
a) is just ending
b) just ended 
c) have just ended
d) has just ending
e) has just ended

27. (EFOMM) These machines have ________ idle since the factory closed.
a) laid
b) lied
c) lay
d) to lay
e) lain

28. (EFOMM) Which is the correct form?
a) Have ever you been in England?
b) Has you ever been in England?
c) Have you ever been to England?
d) Have you been ever in England?
e) Have you ever be to England?

29. (UEL) He returned home after he_______ the office.
a) leaves
b) does leave
c) had left
d) will leave
e) didn’t leave

30.  (JFS) Jeffrey was proud of his son who __________ a prize at school.
a) win
b) won
c) have won
d) has won
e) had won

31. (FUVEST) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna:
I __________ the book for a couple of hours now.
a) had read
b) am read
c) had been read
d) having read
e) have been reading

32.  (UDESC) Mark the sentence that is written in correct English:
a) I teach English since five years ago.
b) I’m teaching English for many years.
c) I’ve taught English since some years.
d) I had taught English since some years.
e) I have been teaching English for five years.

33. (UDESC) Find the correct alternative to complete the following sentence:
- “You look tired.”
- “Yes, I __________ non-stop all day.”
a) am working
b) have been working
c) work
d) will work
e) will have worked

34. (UDESC) Find the correct answer:
He __________ letters since lunch.
a) is writing
b) have been writing
c) have written
d) writes
e) has been writing

35. (JFS) I __________ hard for 10 years before I __________ that promotion.
a) have been working – gotten
b) have been working – get
c) had been working – got
d) had been working – gotten
e) had been working – get

36. (UEL) When the stuff finally __________ get discarded, it breaks down into harmless rust.
A lacuna do texto deve ser preenchida com uma forma que dê ênfase ao verbo. Essa forma pode ser:
a) sure
b) too
c) is
d) do
e) does

37. (UNESP) Escolha a alternativa que responde corretamente às perguntas apresentadas: What happened to the bridge?
a) Oh! We should have blew up it!
b) Oh! We should blown it up!
c) Oh! We should to have blown up it!
d) Oh! We should have blown it up!
e) Oh! We should had blown up it!

38. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche a lacuna da frase a seguir corretamente:
He will __________ almost everything you ask him.
a) do
b) to do
c) doing
d) does
e) did

39. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase adiante:
I’ll __________ soccer this afternoon.
a) playing
b) played
c) to play
d) play
e) plays

40. (MACKENZIE) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence:
Julia isn’t going to London. __________ you going __________?
a) Aren’t – either
b) Aren’t – too
c) Are – neither
d) Are – either
e) Are – too

01. b) ate
02. e) did – start
03. a) did –made – made
04. d) to – received – was able
05. c) know – knew and be – was/were.
06. e) see and hear.
07. c) Did the death rate rise 33 percent?
08. a) meet.
09. a) drew – riding
10. a) Engineers thought.
11. d) ran – needed – wanted
12. a) arrived
13. e) To be.
14. b) arrived – was trying
15. e) were talking
16. a) she was reading
17. e) chosen
18. d) met
19. a) fell– saw – have not played
20. d) done
21. a) hasn’t come
22. c) has changed – are done
23. d) chegou.
24. a) has faced – is shaping
25. b) present perfect simple.
26. e) has just ended
27. e) lain
28. c) Have you ever been to England?
29. c) had left
30. e) had won
31. e) have been reading
32. e) I have been teaching English for five years.
33. b) have been working
34. e) has been writing
35. c) had been working – got
36. e) does
37. d) Oh! We should have blown it up!
38. a) do
39. d) play
40. a) Aren’t – either

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