Tag Questions (Question Tags) - 20 Exercícios com gabarito

01. (UNITAU) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à sequência de Question Tags adequados para completar as frases a seguir:
1. He isn't at home, __________?
2. That will happen, __________?
3. She hasn't a cue, __________?
4. It rains a lot, __________?
a) isn't he; won't it; has he; doesn't it
b) is it; will it; does she; has it
c) isn't he; will it; has she; hasn't it
d) is he; won't it; has she; doesn't it
e) isn't he; won't he; has she; does it

02. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
Your name is Mary, __________?
a) isn't you
b) isn't it
c) aren't it
d) aren't you
e) isn't he

03. (UNESP) Politics is a science, __________?
a) weren't they
b) isn't it
c) wouldn't he
d) wasn't it
e) won't they

04. (FEI) He'll be back soon, __________?
a) will he
b) doesn't he
c) shall he
d) won't he
e) couldn't he

05. (UDESC) Complete with the CORRECT alternative:
The sun shone the whole day, __________ it?
a) is
b) did
c) doesn't
d) didn't
e) isn't

06. (FMTM)
You can sing well, __________?
a) didn’t you
b) can’t you
c) don’t you
d) doesn’t you
e) couldn’t you

07. (JFS) Em qual das alternativas abaixo a 'question tag' está errada?
a) Let’s go to a disco, shall we?
b) Do the exercises, will you?
c) Mariah put the book on the armchair, doesn’t she? 
d) Let me go with you, shall I?
e) The teacher came to help us, didn’t she?

08. (JFS) Complete corretamente:
The Titanic sank in 1912, __________?
a) didn’t she
b) didn’t it
c) hadn’t it
d) hadn’t she
e) doesn’t it

09. (ITA) Michiko and Yamashiro are not Japanese, __________?
a) are
b) aren't they
c) aren't them
d) are they
e) are they not

10. (ITA) A alternativa que corretamente preenche o claro de One never knows what to expect, __________? é:
a) isn’t it
b) does one
c) one knows
d) knows one
e) do we 

11. (SEE-AC) Read the sentences:
1. Laura is at the airport, _______________?
2. She wants to visit the bathroom, _______________?
3. Laura doesn’t understand, _______________?
The question tags that complete the sentences above are, respectively:
a) is she/does she/does she
b) she isn’t/she doesn’t want/she understands
c) where is she/does she want/does she understand
d) isn’t she/doesn’t she/does she
e) isn’t she/does she/doesn’t she

12. (SEE-AC) Read these sentences:
1. The students are learning English for business reasons, __________?
2. Refugees and immigrants need to learn the English language, __________?
3. Mary studies English because she wants to travel to England, __________?
The correct question tags that complete the sentences above are, respectively:
a) are they/do they/does she
b) aren’t they/don’t they/doesn’t she
c) are they/needn’t they/doesn’t she
d) aren’t they/don’t they/isn’t she
e) aren’t they/needn’t they/isn’t she

13. (SEDU/ES) He enjoys Brazilian food. He has tried tapioca, _________?
a) hasn’t it
b) hadn't she
c) doesn’t he
d) hasn't he
e) haven't you

14.  (Prefeitura do Sul do Brasil/SC) Observe the statements and mark the correct alternative:
I. He never came back, ______?
II. She can rarely come these days, _______?
III. The boys were playing soccer, _________?
Respectively, the correct order is:
a) doesn't he/can't she/didn't they
b) didn't he/can't she/weren't they
c) does he/can't she/weren't they
d) did he/can she/didn't they
e) did he/can she/weren't they

15. (ESCOLA NAVAL) The cheque of the customer had not been returned:
a) hadn't it?
b) does it?
c) hasn't it?
d) did it?
e) had it?

16. (UniCEUB) Choose the correct tag to finish the sentence.
“Yes. Probably we should. Did you take the number of the cab?"
“No. You didn't notice it, ____________ ?"
Extracted from The Necklace, by Guy de Maupassan.
a) did you
b) didn't I
c) do you
d) do I
e) didn't you

17. (EFOMM) Choose the option with the correct tag questions for the sentences below.
1. You weren’t listening, __________?
2. She doesn't know him, __________?
3. I'm a bit overweight, __________?
4. Don't open your eyes, __________?
a) weren't you / does she / aren't I / do you
b) were you / doesn't she / aren't I / do you
c) were you / does she / aren't I / will you
d) weren't you / does she / am I not / will you
e) were you / doesn't she / am I not / do you

18. (EFOMM) Choose the option with the correct tag questions for the sentences below.
I. Let’s start the presentation, __________?
II. Nobody phoned, __________? 
III. Don’t open your books, __________? 
IV. There is a nice restaurant near here, __________? 
a) won’t we / did they / do you / is there
b) will we / didn’t they / don’t you / isn’t there 
c) shall we / did they / do you / isn’t there
d) shall we / did they / will you / isn’t there 
e) will we / didn’t they / will you / is there

19. (ESCOLA NAVAL) Which option completes the paragraph below correctly? 
   “Would you like to go to Vyas Chhatri, madam?” Lal asks, as I get back into the car. “It was built in honour of Maharishi Ved Vyas. I'm sure your head tells you to go back, but your heart doesn't want to let go of the opportunity, _______?
(Adapted from www .travelandleisureindia.in)  
a) aren't you 
b) isn't it 
c) does it  
d) is it 
e) doesn't it 

20.  (ESCOLA NAVAL) Which option completes the sentence below correctly?
Like any technology, artificial intelligence has both positive aspects and more worrying aspects, ________?
(Adapted from: https://cryptoid.com.br/international-news/artificial-intelligence-and-the-energy-sector-huge-potential-tough-questions/)
a) haven’t they
b) hasn’t it
c) doesn't it
d) don’t they
e) aren’t they

01. d) is he; won't it; has she; doesn't it
02. b) isn't it
03. b) isn't it
04. d) won't he
05. d) didn't
06. b) can’t you
07. c) Mariah put the book on the armchair, doesn’t she?
08. a) didn’t she
09. d) are they
10. b) does one
11. d) isn’t she/doesn’t she/does she
12. b) aren’t they/don’t they/doesn’t she
13. d) hasn't he
14. e) did he/can she/weren't they
15. e) had it?
16. a) did you
17. c) were you / does she / aren't I / will you
18. d) shall we / did they / will you / isn’t there
19. c) does it  
20. c) doesn't it

9 comentários:

  1. pode me explicar pq a letra c da 7 tá errada?

    1. Porque está no passado, e quando a frase se encontra no passado nós usamos o "did"

    2. porque ela está no imperativo e no imperativo a question tag exige o uso de um verbo modal (will, would, could, can...) e ela sempre é escrita na forma afirmativa.

  2. a 8 tá errada deveria ser did‘t it pq se refere ao Titanic (it)

    1. 8 está incorreta. Resposta será: didn't it.

    2. Titanic é navio, e navio em inglês é feminino

  3. 14 tá errada é letra b

    1. Está certa. Never, Nobody e nothing estão na negativa, entt nn tem como ser letra B
