Conjunctions - 30 Questões gabaritadas

01. (UNITAU) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde a um sinônimo para a palavra, em destaque, a seguir: DESPITE the growing use of computers in classrooms American universities are still graduating millions of  technological illiterates.
a) spite
b) spite the
c) in spite of
d) spite of
e) spite of the

02. (UNIRIO) A palavra que poderia substituir a expressão AS A RESULT em "As a result, Struve claims, he can halve the time required to grow a 1.5-inch diameter red oak" sem alteração do significado é:
a) Therefore.
b) However.
c) Moreover.
d) Besides.
e) Anyhow.

03. (UNIRIO) Research shows that sunscreens may not be as effective as hoped at preventing sunburn. Users may be spending long hours in the sun with a false sense of security, and though lotions may protect against sunburning UVB rays, it does little to block out the potentially more dangerous UVA rays.
– The word THOUGH (ref.:2) can be replaced with:
a) but.
b) however.
c) therefore.
d) besides.
e) yet.

04. (MACKENZIE) Corporations can no longer afford lifetime employment and the seniority system, whereas young workers do not consider company life the most important.
– The meaning of whereas in the text is:
a) sufficiently.
b) theoretically.
c) at present.
d) intensely.
e) while.

05. ( FGV) The new economic order was supposed to bring rapid growth for the industrialized nations, as emerging capitalist countries joined a global free trade system __________brutal competition from the Third World and the Soviet block has stalled the developed nations.
– A palavra que preenche melhor a lacuna do texto é:
a) Because.
b) Instead.
c) Moreover.
d) Therefore.
e) While.

06. (ITA) We don't believe your needs should have to wait just because it's 2 o'clock in the morning.
– A palavra because, em destaque no texto, poderia ser substituída por:
a) while.
b) how.
c) like.
d) since.
e) for.

07. (CESGRANRIO) Freedom, however, poses its own problems. The biggest advantage is that you are in charge of everything. And the biggest disadvantage is that you are in charge of everything. Typical problems include a sense of isolation, lack of motivation, and, conversely, the feeling that you can never get away from your work. 
– The word CONVERSELY means:
a) on the other hand.
b) additionally.
c) firstly.
d) especially.
e) even though.

08. (CESGRANRIO) A less significant but perhaps more curious use of the laser in medicine is to remove tattoos. Whereas before tattoos were virtually impossible to remove without considerable difficulty and pain, now they can be removed relatively painlessly. 
– The word WHEREAS means:
a) as.
b) when.
c) while.
d) where.
e) because

09. (CESGRANRIO) The clause "As one eats…" as in" As one eats, particles of the sugary food get stuck between the teeth and around the gums" can be paraphrased as:
a) While we eat...
b) When they eat...
c) Though we eat...
d) Because you eat...
e) As one thing is eaten...

10. (MACKENZIE) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentences:
I. Study harder; __________ you'll fail.
II. I know nothing about it; __________, I can't help you.
III. The editors continue to publish, __________ irregularly, two journals.
IV. __________ being a good actor, he is also an excellent soccer player.
a) I. otherwise; II. thus; III. albeit; IV. Besides
b) I. although; II. therefore; III. for; IV. And
c) I. so; II. so that; III. but; IV. Moreover
d) I. or else; II. consequently; III. besides; IV. Also
e) I. also; II. as a consequence; III. then; IV. In addition

11. (CESGRANRIO) In the sentences: 
1. Now, if this process happens each time we eat sugar, we can see that eating excessive amounts of sugar causes more and more tooth decay. 
2. However, sweets are often eaten as snacks between meals and during the day, times when people generally do not brush after eating. 
3. Therefore, the dangerous process of tooth decay is allowed to continue.
– The words NOW, HOWEVER and THEREFORE could be substituted by:
a) Than – But – Thus
b) These days – Perhaps – So
c) Because – Although – Meanwhile
d) Recently – Even though – Besides
e) Well – Nevertheless – Consequently

12. (UEL) A lacuna é corretamente preenchida pela alternativa: I'd like to talk to him __________ he arrives.
a) while
b) rather than
c) since
d) as soon as
e) because

13. (ITA) At present, neither offers full access to the Internet – they are linked by a "gateway" through which e-mail can be sent and received, but which denies access to many of the delights the Net has to offer. __________, both companies are widening the gateways in the near future. 
– A alternativa que melhor preenche a lacuna é:
a) Besides.
b) In addition.
c) However.
d) Furthermore.
e) Finally.

14. (UNIRIO) The word AS in "And as stress begins to ebb you may find that it's replaced by a renewed sense of possibility and optimism" expresses the idea of:
a) consequence.
b) comparison.
c) purpose.
d) contrast.
e) time.

15. (UFRS) In case you are childless or an alien from outer space and managed to avoid this craze, the Tamagotchi is a Keychainsize plastic egg that houses a small LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) in which "lives" a creature that you nurture by pushing a variety of buttons. 
– A expressão "in case" pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, por:
a) So.
b) As.
c) When.
d) Indeed.
e) If.

16. (UFRS) __________ all the conquests already achieved by women, a lot still remains to be done.
a) In spite of
b) Because of
c) Although
d) In order to
e) Supposing

17. (MACKENZIE) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence:
He is very mature __________.
a) spite of his age
b) despite his age
c) instead of his age
d) despite of his aging
e) in spite his age

18. (MACKENZIE) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence:
Philip never borrowed money:
a) not either from his parents or from the bank
b) neither from his parents or from the bank
c) both from his parents and from the bank
d) either from his parents or from the bank
e) neither from his parents and from the bank

19. (FUVEST) Choose the item which best completes the sentence, according to the passage: __________ some Scottish fans bare their bottoms, they are readily forgiven.
a) No matter
b) Always if
c) All the time
d) Even when
e) In spite of

20. (PUCRIO) As you are reading these words, you are taking part in one of the wonders of the natural world. For you and I belong to a species with a remarkable ability: we can shape events in each other's brains with exquisite precision.
– In "For you and I belong to a species... precision", the conjunction FOR can be understood as:
a) however.
b) already.
c) and.
d) because.
e) therefore.

21. (UFRRJ) The explosive growth in these regions is DUE not only TO high birth rates but to the young age at which mothers have their children, telescoping the time between generations.
– The expression DUE TO could be replaced by:
a) since.
b) towards.
c) from.
d) because of.
e) during.

22. (UFRRJ) The construction "such a... that" as in "Eating is such a passion here that it even shapes the cityscape" expresses:
a) condition.
b) purpose.
c) result.
d) contrast.
e) manner.

23. (PUCRIO) In the sentence "If you wrote about the international banking systems for bankers, your language and information would be more technical", the author intends to transmit an idea of:
a) conclusion.
b) addition.
c) condition.
d) comparison.
e) contrast.

24. (UNESP) __________ Mr. Foley was reading the newspaper, Mrs. Foley was watching television.
a) While
b) As long
c) In the meantime
d) Because of
e) How

25. (UNIRIO) The teenager believes that __________ Camden has a bad reputation, it can change for the better. 
– The option which completes correctly and meaningfully the sentence above is:
a) in spite.
b) even though.
c) because.
d) unless.
e) however.

26. (UFPE) The giant panda is China's national symbol. But it is an endangered species, with just 1,000 animals believed to exist in the wild. 
– In "BUT it is an endangered species" the connective BUT gives the idea of:
a) consequence.
b) conclusion.
c) contrast.
d) addition.
e) emphasis.

27. (UFF) In the sentence, "In the meantime, Judge Robert Kaye will issue his final judgment on the jury's verdict", IN THE MEANTIME could be replaced by:
a) During.
b) Nevertheless.
c) Actually.
d) Meanwhile.
e) However.

28. (MACKENZIE) Indicate the alternative that best completes the sentence:
The road was in bad condition:
a) despite, I was very late.
b) however, we didn't stop.
c) nonetheless, the road was long.
d) in fact, it was 7 o'clock.
e) if I had more time, I'd call you.

29. (FEI) He'd drifted into an alternative school for troubled youths, where, despite special classes, Frank's principal still considered him "the worst kid of the whole lot."
– De acordo com o texto, como você traduz DESPITE?
a) No lugar de.
b) Apesar de.
c) A respeito de.
d) Enquanto que.
e) Em vez de.

30. (UFRRJ) "I was giving a talk in a large auditorium in New England WHEN A WOMAN SITTING IN THE BALCONY STOOD UP".
– The selected passage expresses an idea of:
a) purpose.
b) cause.
c) place.
d) time.
e) condition.

01. c) in spite of
02. a) Therefore.
03. e) yet.
04. e) while.
05. a) Because
06. e) for.
07. a) on the other hand.
08. c) while.
09. a) While we eat...
10. a) I. otherwise; II. thus; III. albeit; IV. Besides
11. e) Well – Nevertheless – Consequently
12. d) as soon as
13. c) However.
14. e) time.
15. e) If.
16. a) In spite of
17. b) despite his age
18. d) either from his parents or from the bank
19. d) Even when
20. d) because.
21. d) because of.
22. c) result.
23. c) condition.
24. a) While
25. b) even though.
26. c) contrast.
27. d) Meanwhile.
28. b) however, we didn't stop
29. b) Apesar de.
30. d) time.

2 comentários:

  1. Vamos analisar cada questão:

    1. Resposta: c) in spite of
    - Explicação: A expressão "in spite of" é apropriada para indicar contraste ou oposição. No contexto da frase, significa que, apesar do crescente uso de computadores nas salas de aula, as universidades americanas ainda estão formando milhões de pessoas com pouca habilidade tecnológica.

    2. Resposta: a) Therefore
    - Explicação: "As a result" é uma expressão que introduz uma conclusão ou resultado. "Therefore" é um sinônimo adequado para indicar essa relação de causa e efeito.

    3. Resposta: e) yet
    - Explicação: "Though" é usado para introduzir uma concessão, indicando uma ideia contrária à expectativa. "Yet" é um sinônimo apropriado nesse contexto, indicando que, apesar das loções protegerem contra os raios UVB, elas fazem pouco para bloquear os potencialmente mais perigosos raios UVA.

    4. Resposta: e) while
    - Explicação: "Whereas" é uma conjunção que introduz uma ideia de contraste ou oposição. "While" é um sinônimo adequado para indicar esse contraste entre a incapacidade das corporações de manter empregos vitalícios e o fato de os jovens trabalhadores não considerarem a vida na empresa como a mais importante.

    5. Resposta: a) Because
    - Explicação: A lacuna no texto indica uma relação causal, indicando que o crescimento econômico esperado foi interrompido devido à competição brutal. "Because" é uma conjunção causal apropriada para preencher essa lacuna.

    Se tiver mais dúvidas ou se precisar de mais explicações, estou à disposição!

  2. Vamos analisar as questões:

    6. Resposta: e) for
    - Explicação: "Because" indica uma relação causal, e "for" também é uma conjunção causal que pode ser usada nesse contexto para manter o sentido da frase.

    7. Resposta: a) on the other hand
    - Explicação: "Conversely" é usado para introduzir uma ideia oposta ou contraponto. "On the other hand" é uma expressão adequada para indicar um contraste, mantendo o equilíbrio da frase.

    8. Resposta: c) while
    - Explicação: "Whereas" é uma conjunção usada para contrastar duas partes de uma sentença. "While" é um termo adequado para manter esse contraste e preservar o sentido da frase.

    9. Resposta: a) While we eat...
    - Explicação: A expressão "As one eats..." pode ser parafraseada como "While we eat..." mantendo o significado original da ação ocorrendo simultaneamente.

    10. Resposta: a) I. otherwise; II. thus; III. albeit; IV. Besides
    - Explicação: As conjunções nas lacunas indicam relações específicas em cada frase. "Otherwise" expressa condição, "thus" indica conclusão, "albeit" introduz uma concessão e "Besides" adiciona informação. Cada uma é apropriada para completar sua respectiva frase.
