Relative pronouns (Pronomes relativos) - 40 Exercícios Gabaritados

01. (EFOMM) Typhoon “Ida” left a trail of destruction in __________ wave.
It swept the country from coast to coast.
a) mine
b) ours
c) his
d) hers
e) its

02. (JFS) __________ course do you think is the best one of this university?
a) What
b) Whose
c) How
d) Which
e) Why

03. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) Who did discovered America?
b) Who discovered America?
c) Did who discover America?
d) What Columbus discovered?
e) What did Columbus discovered?

04. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
Do you know __________?
a) where your brother bought that car
b) where did your brother buy that car
c) where does your brother buy that car
d) where will your brother buy that car
e) where has your brother bought that car

05.  (UNESP) __________ farm is that large one? 
It is _________.
a) Which – Peter’s
b) Whose – Peter’s
c) Whose – of Peter
d) Which – for Peter
e) What – Peter’s

06. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
- These blue jeans are mine. __________ are those on the sofa?
- They’re Peter’s.
a) Which
b) What
c) Where
d) Whom
e) Whose

07. (UNESP) ___________ people ___________ in Brasília?
a) How many – are there
b) How much – are there
c) What many – was there
d) What many – were there
e) How many million – was there

08. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
__________ is your hat?
a) When
b) Who
c) Whose
d) Where
e) How many

09. (JFS) Those firemen, __________ saved the little girl from the fire, are local heroes.
a) who
b) that
c) whom
d) which
e) a e b estão corretas

10. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
Children who are exposed to TV can learn __________ ideas may be taken away from it.
a) whoever
b) whom
c) who
d) which
e) where

11. (UFV) Complete the sentence below correctly: Don Pedro, __________ was one of the visitors, was also very impressed with Bell’s invention.
a) who
b) whose
c) when
d) where
e) which

12. (JFS) In his last book, the author decided to talk about the people and the places _______ he loved.
a) who
b) whom
c) which
d) that
e) whose

13. (FEI) Complete:
My neighbor, __________ is very beautiful, was here this morning.
a) which
b) whose
c) who
d) when
e) what

14. (UNESP) That is the one ______ I always use.
a) whose
b) who
c) what
d) which
e) whom

15. (FEI) Escolha a alternativa correta para completar a frase a seguir:
It was Eiffel _______ constructed the metal framework.
a) whom
b) which
c) whose
d) why
e) who

16. (CESGRANRIO) In “Men don’t often have the lump-in-the-throat feeling that many women experience”, the pronoun THAT could be replaced by:
a) who.
b) whom.
c) whose.
d) what.
e) which.

17.  (MACKENZIE) I’m a person _______ technical knowledge of computer will impress ________
a) who – everyone
b) which – someone
c) for whom – nobody
d) whom – everybody
e) whose – anyone

18.  (CESGRANRIO) WHERE in “They are limited to texts where the possibilities of linguistic error are minimal” could be replaced by:
a) that.
b) which.
c) whose.
d) in which.
e) whereby.

19. (UFSM) __________ campaign __________ bene ts children education is worth doing.
a) Some – which
b) Any – whose
c) Any – which
d) None – that
e) Some – what

20. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
__________ finds the money may keep it.
a) Who he
b) Whom
c) Whose
d) Whomever
e) Whoever

21. (FATEC) Escolha a alternativa que mantém o mesmo signi cado de NO ONE em “no one passes or fails a TOEFL”:
a) Anybody
b) Everybody
c) Nobody
d) Somebody
e) Someone

22. (JFS) I do not want to stay home tonight. I want to go __________.
a) nowhere
b) somewhere
c) nowhere else
d) everywhere else
e) none

23.  (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
Would __________ like to hear music tonight?
a) somebody
b) someone
c) anything
d) anyone
e) something

24. (UNESP) __________ said she is right.
a) Somebody 
b) Anybody 
c) Anyone
d) Something
e) Anything

25. (UFV) In the sentence “We look for answers within OURSELVES”, the capital word has a meaning related to:
a) them.
b) him.
c) you.
d) us.
e) her.

26. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase apresentada:
Catherine is making __________ a dress.
a) to him
b) to her
c) himself
d) herself
e) they

27. (PUCPR) Lucy hates John and John hates Lucy. Lucy and John hate __________.
a) themselves
b) itself
c) each other
d) herself
e) himself

28. (FAAP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
I took my husband to the airport __________.
a) himself
b) oneself
c) myself
d) herself
e) yourself

28. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
You can do that __________.
a) myself
b) himself
c) herself
d) yourself
e) ourselves

29. (UEL) Here is some money. Go and buy __________ some decent clothes.
a) myself
b) herself
c) themselves
d) himself
e) yourself

30. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
In some cities people do not pay for ________ tickets.
a) them 
b) his 
c) our
d) her
e) their

31. (UFRGS) The phrase “a book of mine” could be replaced by:
a) mine books.
b) my books.
c) some of my books.
d) a book of my.
e) one of my books.

32. (UNESP) He said he was going to pass __________ exam.
a) his
b) her
c) its
d) their
e) our

33. (UNESP) That sports car is very expensive. 
The car dealer told me that ______ price is 10,000 dollars.
a) her
b) his
c) its
d) their
e) hers

34. (UNESP) This dictionary is in __________ fourth edition.
a) his
b) her
c) its
d) it’s
e) their

35. (UNESP) Those two women always help __________.
a) other each
b) each other
c) one other
d) other one
e) another each

36. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta:
Those organisms pose _______ danger to human life.
a) any
b) none
c) no
d) not
e) no one

37. (UNESP) The doctor to __________ Mrs. 
Jones went told her to eat less.
a) where
b) what
c) whose
d) who
e) whom

38. (UNESP) Can you tell me __________?
a) how much does a box of matches cost
b) how much a box of matches costs
c) how much did a box of matches cost
d) how much has a box of matches cost
e) how much costs a box of matches

39. (UEL) 
- How about having a party soon?
- __________.
a) Yes, sure 
b) I bet he doesn’t 
c) It won’t last
d) I never do
e) We aren’t in it at all

40. (EFOMM) In the sentence: “If the oceans die, it could cause great destruction”, the pronoun it refers to:
a) oceans.
b) great destruction.
c) atmosphere.
d) the oceans’ death.
e) the cause.

01. e) its
02. d) Which
03. b) Who discovered America?
04. a) where your brother bought that car
05. b) Whose – Peter’s
06. e) Whose
07. a) How many – are there
08. d) Where
09. a) who
10. d) which
11. a) who
12. d) that
13. c) who
14. d) which
15. e) who
16. e) which.
17. e) whose – anyone
18. d) in which.
19. c) Any – which
20. e) Whoever
21. c) Nobody
22. b) somewhere
23. d) anyone
24. a) Somebody
25. d) us.
26. d) herself
27. c) each other
28. c) myself
28. d) yourself
29. e) yourself
30. e) their
31. e) one of my books.
32. a) his
33. c) its
34. c) its
35. b) each other
36. c) no
37. e) whom
38. b) how much a box of matches costs
39. a) Yes, sure
40. d) the oceans’ death.

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