Question words (pronomes e adjetivos interrogativos) - 20 Exercícios Gabaritados

01. (EsFCEx) -  Leia o texto para responder à questão.
Because we all have different styles of teaching, and therefore planning, orientations about course planning and delivery should not be meant to be prescriptive. As Bailey (1996) points out, a lesson plan is like a road map “which describes where the teacher hopes to go in a lesson, presumably taking the students along”. It is the latter part of this quote that is important for teachers to remember, because they may need to make “in-flight” changes in response to the actuality of the classroom. As Bailey (1996) correctly points out, “In realizing lesson plans, part of a skilled teacher’s logic in use involves managing such departures to maximimize teaching and learning opportunities”. Clearly thought-out lesson plans will more likely maintain the attention of students and increase the likelihood that they will be interested.
(RICHARDS, Jack C.; RENANDYA, Willy A.(Ed.). Methodology in language teaching: an anthology of current practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. p. 36. Adaptado) 

No trecho “It is the latter part of this quote that is important for teachers to remember”, the underlined word can be correctly replaced by
a) which.
b) whatever.
c) whose.
d) who.
e) whom.

02. (CETREDE) - Complete the following sentences with the correct conjunction.
Give this letter to Anne __________ you see her.
Do you know _______could give me better instructions?
It started to rain _____ I washed the clothes.
We have to work ______ the day before the sun goes down.
Select the CORRECT answer.
a) who / why / when / while
b) what / when / who / where
c) who / what / when / during
d) what / why / how / for
e) when / who / while / during

03. (EEAR) - Choose the alternative that best completes the dialogue:
Mary: Hi, ____ am Mary Smith. ___ am from the USA. What’s your name?
Paul: _____ name is Paul Thompson.
Mary: Nice to meet you. _____ are you from?
Paul: Nice to meet you, too. _____ am from London. And who is ____ woman?
Mary: ____ is Jessica Lopez. ____ is from the USA too.
a) She - She - Her - When - I - that - He - He
b) I - I - My - Where - I - that - She - She
c) I - I - My - When - I - those - He - He
d) I - I - I - Where - He - that - She - She

04. (SSPM) - Analyze the questions below.
I- Who does this pencil belong to?
II- Who read a book last week?
III- Where did your mother born?
IV- What about are they talking?
V- What fell on the floor yesterday?

Choose the correct option.
a) Only I, lI and IlI are grammatically correct.
b) Only I, lI and V are grammatically correct.
c) Only lI and IV are grammatically correct.
d) Only II, IlI and V are grammatically correct.
e) Only IlI and V are grammatically correct.

05. (CIAGA) - Mark the option which corresponds to the grammatically correct sentences.
I - I gather you've had some problems with our secretary.
II - Are you having a headache?
III - Hadn't you better check to see if the baby is all right?
IV - She knows Jacob since 1981.
V - I'd rather to stay here than to go out tonight.
a) I and V
b) II and III
c) IV and V
d) I and III
e) II and IV

06. (EEAR) - Change the sentence into the interrogative form.
“The cost of living has doubled in relative terms over recent years.”
a) Has the cost of living double in relative terms over recent years?
b) Has the cost of living doubled in relative terms over recent years?
c) Have the cost of living double in relative terms over recent years?
d) Have the cost of living doubled in relative terms over recent years?
07. (ESCOLA NAVAL) - Which question word completes the dialogue correctly?
Peter:______wasn’t Mary at work yesterday?
Jane: She was ill.
a) When
b) Where
c) Who
d) Why
e) Which
08. (ESCOLA NAVAL) - Which question word best completes the paragraph below?
So if smoking is so bad for you, ______ is it so hard to quit? Stopping smoking is difficult for several reasons: nicotine is highly addictive, rewarding psychological aspects of smoking and genetic predisposition.
(Adapted from http://www.spine-health,com/wellness/stop-smoking)
a) what
b) when
c) who
d) whose
e) why
09. (SSPM) - Which option completes the sentence below correctly?
Spinach is very thin, so there's more loss of moisture and exposure to heat and oxygen compared to a carrot, _____ ?
(Adapted from
a) is there
b) did it
c) isn't there
d) didn't it
e) does it
10. (IBADE) - Choose the correct question for the following answer:
She has been studying in a British school for five years.
a) How long Fay is studying in a British school?
b) How long does Fay studies in a British school?
c) How long has been Fay studying in a British school?
d) How long has Fay been studying in a British school?
e) How long has Fay studying in a British school?
11. (COTEC) -  “They are insights into the world that only travel – no matter how long you do it – can give you.” 
a) Are they insights into the world that only travel – no matter how long you do it – can you give?
b) They are insights into the world that only travel – no matter how long you do it – can give you?
c) Are they insights into the world that only travel – no matter how long you do it – can give you?
d) Are there insights into the world that only travel – no matter how long you do it – could give you?
e) Will they be insights into the world that only travel – no matter how long you do?

12. (EEAR) - Read the dialogue and mark the right expression to complete it correctly.
A: _____________ have you been working as a sergeant?
B: For about 2 years.

a) How
b) How long
c) How much
d) How many

13. (ESCOLA NAVAL) - What is the correct way to answer the question below? What do you do?
a) I do doctor.
b) I do medicine.
c) I do the medicine.
d) I am a doctor. 
e) I am doctor.

14. (EsFCEx) - Identify the correct (C) questions and the incorrect ones (I). Then choose the best alternative.
(     ) How old Ana is?
(     ) Where are going these kids?
(     ) Are you waiting for us?
a) C – C – C
b) C – I – C
c) I – C – C
d) I – I – C
e) I – C – I

15. (EsFCEx) - Choose the alternative that shows the correct question for the answer below:
Joana likes her school very much.
a) Do Joana likes her school?
b) What does Joana like?
c) How is Joana?
d) How does Joana like her school?
e) Does Joana likes schools?

16. (ESCOLA NAVAL) - Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

_______ (1) will it take you to finish the project? More than a week?
a) How long
b) How much time
c) How many times
d) For how long
e) How much
17. (EsFCEx) - Choose the best alternative to complete the question below:
Which animal do you like _________, tigers or lions?
a) most
b) the most
c) many
d) more
e) much
18. (EsFCEx) - Choose the alternative that best completes the dialogue below.
A. ____________ different types of penguins inhabit the South Pole?
B. I don’t know. Ten, maybe.
A. No, fifteen. And _____________ tall can they grow?
B. I have no idea. One meter?
A. That’s right. ___________ do they leave the South Pole?
B. Probably in winter.
A. Excellent.
B. _________ are you asking me all these questions?
A. Because I want to see if you did your homework!
a) How much – who – When – How
b) How many – how – Where – Which
c) How much – when – Who – Why
d) How many – who – When – How
e) How many – how – When – Why
19. (USF) - A questão abaixo refere-se ao diálogo apresentado a seguir:
A: I didn’t pay the bill
B: _________ not ?
C: Because ________ was incorrect
a) which – you
b) where – we
c) how – they
d) why – it
e) who – me
20. (ESCOLA NAVAL) - Which question word best completes the paragraph below?
The National Gallery in London is among a growing number of venues that have banned selfie sticks. ________ is so wrong with walking around a gallery taking pictures of yourself ? The gallery says it needs to protect artworks and other visitors. But some users can’t see what the fuss is about.
(Adapted from
a) Which.
b) Why.
c) What.
d) When.
e) Who.

Poderá ver também:

01. a) which.
02. e) when / who / while / during
03. b) I - I - My - Where - I - that - She - She
04. b) Only I, lI and V are grammatically correct.
05. d) I and III
06. b) Has the cost of living doubled in relative terms over recent years?
07. d) Why
08. e) why
09. c) isn't there
10. d) How long has Fay been studying in a British school?
11. c) Are they insights into the world that only travel – no matter how long you do it – can give you?
12. b) How long
13. d) I am a doctor.
14. d) I – I – C
15. d) How does Joana like her school?
16. a) How long
17. d) more
18. e) How many – how – When – Why
19. d) why – it
20. c) What.

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