Adjectives and Adverbs - 30 Exercícios com gabarito

01. (UNITAU) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à tradução mais adequada da seguinte sentença: The man gave a five-pound note to the shoe-repairer. 
a) O homem deu uma nota de cinco libras para reparar o sapato. 
b) O homem deu cinco potes de notas para reparar o sapato. 
c) O homem deu um maço de cinco notas para consertar o sapato. 
d) O homem deu uma nota de cinco libras para o sapateiro. 
e) O sapateiro recebeu uma nota de cinco libras do bom homem.

02. (FATEC) Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a forma correta do adjetivo + sufixo 'IBLE' como em 'Edible Cotton': 
a) Managible 
b) Gullible 
c) Drinkible 
d) Lovible 
e) Thinkible

03. (UNITAU) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à tradução mais adequada da forma adjetiva destacada a seguir: Literally thousands of parts are used to make up even THE SMALLEST family saloon. 
a) o menor 
b) o maior 
c) o pequeno 
d) o grande 
e) o amplo

04. (UNITAU) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à tradução mais adequada da expressão, em destaque, a seguir: Você é a pessoa MAIS INTERESSANTE que já conheci. 
a) the more interesting 
b) the interestinger 
c) the most interesting 
d) the much interesting 
e) the best interesting

05. (MACKENZIE) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: The flight lasted two hours. It was __________. 
a) a flight's two-hours's 
b) a two-hours-flight 
c) a two'-hours's flight 
d) a two-hours 
e) a two-hour flight

06. (FEI) Indique a palavra que significa "mais forte": 
a) larger 
b) clearer 
c) higher 
d) better 
e) stronger

07. (PUCCAMP) Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada a seguir: 
- "Did Jerry come to work yesterday?" 
- "Yes, he did. He arrived __________ than his colleagues, but worked the __________ so that he got as much done as the others." 
- "Good. He's a very responsible fellow." 
a) late – harder 
b) later – hardest 
c) earlier – hard 
d) early – hardest 
e) sooner – harder

08. (MACKENZIE) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentences: 
I. Which city is the __________ from São Paulo? 
II. My __________ brother works at Mackenzie. 
III. Do you need any __________ data on that matter? 
IV. Which is the __________ building in São Paulo? 
V. Ribeirão Preto is the city that has the __________ problems with pollution in Brazil. 
a) I. furthest; II. elder; III. more; IV. farthest; V. oldest 
b) I. further; II. older; III. farther; IV. eldest; V. less 
c) I. nearer; II. oldest; III. farthest; IV. longest; V. least 
d) I. nearest; II. elder; III. furthest; IV. eldest; V. biggest 
e) I. farthest; II. eldest; III. further; IV. oldest; V. fewest

09. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta: Our next examination may be __________ the last one. 
a) more bad than 
b) more worse than 
c) much bad than 
d) worse than 
e) more badly than

10. (PUCCAMP) Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada: 
Mr. Smith: I'm sorry, Mr. Johnson. I believe the candidate you sent us will not suit our purposes. We need somebody __________ than he. 
Mr. Johnson: In that case I would suggest Miss Cary. She's definitely the __________ person in our group. 
a) smarter – most intelligent 
b) smart – intelligent 
c) smartest – more intelligent 
d) as smart – as intelligent 
e) as smart – as intelligent as

11. (UEL) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir: The more time people spend at an exhibit, __________ they learn. 
a) more 
b) most 
c) much 
d) the more 
e) the most

12. (EFOMM) ‘In London there are lots of streets with the same name and it’s very __________ if you are a tourist. Another problem is that it’s a huge place. We walked everywhere on our last trip and we were __________ at the end of each day. But it’s an __________ city, with so much to do.’ 
a) confused – exhaust – excited 
b) confusing – exhausted – exciting 
c) confuse – exhausting – exciting 
d) confusing – exhaust – excited 
e) confused – exhausted – excited

13. (UEL) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir: I firmly believe that the tougher the laws, __________ the criminal rate. 
a) the lowest 
b) lowest 
c) the lower 
d) lower 
e) low

14. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta: Life in New York City is sometimes __________ harder than in any other town in the world. 
a) very 
b) much 
c) many 
d) so 
e) as

15. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase adiante: This hill is __________ than I thought it was. 
a) more lower 
b) lowest 
c) lower 
d) more low 
e) more high

16. (PUCPR) Choose the only correct alternative to complete the spaces: 
I. The United States is not __________ as Brazil. 
II. The Everest is __________ mountain in the world. 
III. Chimpanzees are __________ than dogs. 
IV. Aids is __________ disease of human being. 
V. Mike Tyson is __________ as Evander Holyfield. 
a) as beautiful – the higher – so intelligent – the bad – more strong 
b) more beautiful – the most high – as intelligent – the baddest – so strong 
c) so beautiful – the high – most intelligent – the badder – stronger 
d) so beautiful – the highest – more intelligent – the worst – as strong 
e) as beautiful – as highest – more intelligent – the worst – strongest

17. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase apresentada: This is the __________ day I have ever had. 
a) worse 
b) bad 
c) worst 
d) less good 
e) very bad

18. (FEI) Complete: John is __________ than the other students in his classroom, but he is the __________. 
a) younger – most intelligent 
b) younger – more intelligent 
c) more young – intelligentest 
d) most young – more intelligent 
e) more young – most intelligent

19. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase apresentada: Depending on the situation, having a computer may be __________ having a telephone. 
a) easier 
b) more useful 
c) more convenient than 
d) the most difficult 
e) useful than

20. (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase adiante: Paris is __________ than Rome. 
a) the most beautiful 
b) small 
c) more rich 
d) more beautiful 
e) largest

21. (PUCPR) Which is the option that completes the sentences CORRECTLY? 
I. English is not __________ as Portuguese.
II. Australia is __________ island in the world. 
III. In my opinion, Frank Sinatra was __________ singer of this century. 
IV. São Paulo is __________ as New York. 
V. Europe is __________ from Brazil than EUA. 
a) so difficult – bigger – the best – more noisier – as farther 
b) difficultest – biggest – the good – as noisier – farther 
c) as difficult – the biggest – the best – as noisy – farther 
d) as difficult – the bigger – the best – so noisy – farther 
e) difficulter – most big – better – noisiest – so farther

22. (UNIT) "Less intimate and more isolated" are comparatives. Check the item that contains the correct superlative from of the two adjectives: 
a) The intimatest and the more isolated. 
b) The intimatest and the least isolated. 
c) The most intimate and the less isolated. 
d) The least intimate and the less isolated. 
e) The least intimate and the most isolated.

23. (UEL) O adjetivo GREATEST, no fragmento abaixo, está no grau: 
One of the GREATEST meteor showers of OUR lifetime may (…) soon light up the night sky. 
a) comparativo de igualdade. 
b) superlativo de superioridade. 
c) comparativo de superioridade. 
d) comparativo de inferioridade. 
e) normal.

24. (UFPE) The expression more and more, in "more and more complex" and in "more and more intelligent": 
(  ) indicates emphasis. 
(  ) carries the meaning of even more. 
(  ) means greater in degree. 
(  ) is used as an intensifier. 
(  ) signifies equal or identical in degree. 
a) V V V V F 
b) V V V V V 
c) V V F V F 
d) V F V V F 
e) F V F V F

25. (PUC-RIO) The only item that contains an adjective used in the superlative form is: 
a) "The widespread destruction (...) is happening before we even know the most basic facts about what we are losing." 
b) "Covering only 6 percent of the Earth's surface, tropical moist forests contain at least half of all species." 
c) "Scientists estimate that (...) as much as 20 or 25 percent of the world's plant species will soon be extinct." 
d) "However, the chemical structures of most natural drugs (...) simple extraction is usually less expensive than synthesis." 
e) "Tropical forests offer hope for safer contraceptives for both women and men."

26. (UFRS) Os antônimos corretos das partes destacadas da expressão "THE BEST and THE NEWEST facilities" são, respectivamente: 
a) the most good – the youngest 
b) the baddest – the oldest 
c) the worst – the most old 
d) the poorest – the most recent 
e) the worst – the oldest

27. (UFRS) As palavras a seguir seguem o mesmo processo de formação de WEARER, à exceção de: 
a) computer. 
b) player. 
c) weaker. 
d) murderer. 
e) writer.

28. (UFRS) Considere a frase: This program teaches FASTER THAN any other language program. 
A alternativa que apresenta o significado antônimo da expressão destacada é: 
a) less faster than. 
b) more slowly than. 
c) as slow as. 
d) as fast as. 
e) the slowest.

29. (UFV) All the alternatives below are examples of comparatives, EXCEPT: 
a) "...children as young as two..." 
b) "...scored higher than people who..." 
c) "...listening longer results in staying smarter longer". 
d) "...Mozart was | ... a quick thinker". 
e) "Mozart makes you smarter!"

30. (UFRRJ) The sequence that has the same formation of the words “newer” and “higher” is: 
a) good – dark – late. 
b) tough – tight – clear. 
c) great – far – easy. 
d) distant – tidy – thick. 
e) big – wide – dangerous.

01. d) O homem deu uma nota de cinco libras para o sapateiro. 
02. b) Gullible
03. a) o menor
04. c) the most interesting
05. e) a two-hour flight
06. e) stronger
07. b) later – hardest 
08. e) I. farthest; II. eldest; III. further; IV. oldest; V. fewest
09. d) worse than
10. a) smarter – most intelligent 
11. d) the more 
12. b) confusing – exhausted – exciting 
13. c) the lower
14. b) much 
15. c) lower
16. d) so beautiful – the highest – more intelligent – the worst – as strong
17. c) worst 
18. a) younger – most intelligent 
19. c) more convenient than 
20. d) more beautiful
21. c) as difficult – the biggest – the best – as noisy – farther 
22. e) The least intimate and the most isolated.
23. b) superlativo de superioridade. 
24. a) V V V V F
25. a) "The widespread destruction (...) is happening before we even know the most basic facts about what we are losing." 
26. e) the worst – the oldest
27. c) weaker.
28. b) more slowly than. 
29. d) "...Mozart was | ... a quick thinker".
30. b) tough – tight – clear.

Um comentário:

  1. 24/30 🇧🇷📚🙌🏼
    Feliz com meu resultado, porém errei questões infantis. 🤦🏽‍♂️
