Phrasal verbs (verbos frasais) - Resumo com exercícios

Os phrasal verbs (verbos frasais) são verbos que vêm acompanhados por preposições ou advérbios.
Com o acréscimo de uma preposição ou de um advérbio, o sentido do verbo original pode mudar completamente.
A phrasal verb is a verb + preposition or adverb (go away, turn off). Phrasal verbs are often used in conversation instead of more formal verbs, ex. go on instead of continue.
Please note that there are no rules to help you memorize or recognize phrasal verbs. What we must do is learn them little by little through reading.
Please note that there are no rules to help you memorize or recognize phrasal verbs. What we must do is learn them little by little through reading.

Lista de Phrasal Verbs

1. To be back – estar de volta, voltar
2. To be in – estar em casa, no escritório, etc..
3. To be out – fora de casa, do escritório, etc...
4. To be over – terminar
5. To be up – estar acordado
6. To break away – soltar-se, fugir
7. To break down – enguiçar, estragar
8. To break in/into – invadir, arrombar
9. To bring up – educar
10. Call for – ir buscar, exigir
11. To call off – cancelar
12. To call on – visitar
13. To call up – telefonar
14. To carry on – continuar
15. To close down – falir
16. To close up – ficar perto
17. To come across – se encontrar ao acaso
18. To come along – acompanhar
19. To come down – descer
20. To come in – entrar
21. To come out – sair
22. To come up – aparecer, acontecer
23. To come up to – vir ao encontro de
24. To cry out – gritar
25. To cut down – derrubar, cortar (árvore)
26. To cut off – decepar, cortar (luz, água, etc..)
27. To dash off – escrever rapidamente
28. To die away – diminuir lentamente
29. To die out – extinguir-se
30. To dine out – jantar fora
31. To do without – ficar sem
32. To draw back – retroceder
33. To drive away – manter afastado, afugentar
34. To drop in – visitar
35. To drop out – abandonar (escola, curso, trabalho, etc.)
36. To fade away – desaparecer gradualmente
37. To fall apart – se desmanchar
38. To fall in – desabar
39. To fall through – fracassar
40. To feel like – sentir vontade de
41. To fill in/up – completar, encher, preencher
42. To find out – descobrir
43. To get away – escapar, fugir
44. To get back – voltar
45. To get by – passar por (obstáculos), sobreviver
46. To get down – descer
47. To get in – entrar
48. To get off – sair, desembarcar, descer
49. To get on – subir, entrar (ônibus)
50. To get out – sair
51. To get over – superar, recuperar-se (doença)
52. To get through – atravessar, passar
53. To get to – chegar a
54. To get up – levantar-se
55. To give away – desfazer
56. To give back – devolver
57. To give in – render-se
58. To give out – distribuir, divulgar
59. To give up – desistir
60. To go after – ir atrás, perseguir
61. To go ahead – ir em frente
62. To go away – ir embora
63. To go back – voltar
64. To go down – descer
65. To go for – ir buscar
66. To go in – entrar
67. To go on – continuar
68. To go out – sair
69. To go over – examinar
70. To go up – subir
71. To grow up – crescer, virar adulto
72. To hand in – distribuir
73. To hold off – manter-se à distância
74. To hold on – esperar
75. To hold up – atrasar, retardar
76. To join in – participar
77. To join up – alistar
78. To keep off – manter-se à distância
79. To keep on – continuar
80. To keep out – manter-se fora de
81. To keep up with – manter contato
82. To knock down – derrubar (knock out)
83. To lay out – projetar, traçar
84. To leave out – omitir
85. To let (somebody) down – decepcionar
86. To let in – deixar entrar
87. To let out – soltar
88. To lock up – trancar, encarcerar
89. To look after – tomar conta
90. To look at – olhar para
91. To look back – olhar para trás
92. To look down on – menosprezar
93. To look for – procurar
94. To look forward to – estar ansioso para
95. To look like – se parecer
96. To look out – olhar para fora, tomar cuidado
97. To look over – revistar, examinar
98. To look up – consultar, pesquisar
99. To make up – fazer as pazes, maquiar-se, preparar, inventar
100. To make up for – compensar
101. To mix up – confundir, misturar
102. To move in – se mudar para
103. To move out – se mudar de
104. To pay off – pagar uma dívida
105. To pick out – escolher, selecionar
106. To pick up – pegar, apanhar (alguém)
107. To point at – apontar para
108. To point out – indicar
109. To pull over – enconstar (o carro)
110. To put aside – por de lado
111. To put away – guardar, por no lugar certo
112. To put off – adiar
113. To put out – apagar
114. To put up with – tolerar, suportar
115. To run after – perseguir
116. To run away – fugir
117. To run for – concorrer
118. To run into – encontrar por acaso
119. To run out of – ficar sem, acabar
120. To run over – atropelar
121. To sell off – liquidar
122. To sell out – vender tudo
123. To send away – mandar embora
124. To set out – partir, iniciar uma jornada
125. To show off – se exibir
126. To shut down – encerrar as atividades
127. To shut up – calar a boca
128. To stand back – recuar
129. To stand by – apoir, estar ao lado, ficar a postos
130. To stand for – representar
131. To stand up – se levantar
132. To stand away – se ausentar
133. To stay up – ficar acordado
134. To take after – se parecer com
135. To take back – retirar (o que foi dito)
136. To take down – anotar
137. To take off – tirar (roupa) decolar (avião)
138. To take out – tirar, remover
139. To talk over – discutir
140. To Take over - assumir (empresa/ poder...)
141. To talk into – convencer
142. To think over – refletir
143. To think about – pensar em
144. To throw away – jogar fora
145. To try on – experimentar
146. To try out – testar
147. To turn away – mandar embora, despedir
148. To turn around – virar-se
149. To turn into – se transformar
150. To turn off – desligar
151. To turn on – ligar
152. To turn to – voltar-se a
153. To wait for – esperar por
154. To wait on – atender, servir
155. To watch out – ficar alerta
156. To work out – resultar, se exercitar
157. To write back – responder (por escrito)
158. To write down – anotar
159. To write out – escrever por extenso
160. To take for granted – ter por certo ou garantido


01. (QUESTÃO) Look at the following phrasal verbs:

To look/to look after/to look at/to look for

a) My nephew is unemployed, he must __________________ a job.
b) Baby sitters ___________________ kids when their parents need to go out.
c) Please __________________ when I talk to you. Do you understand what I am saying?
d) You __________________ absolutely gorgeous!
e) I know exactly the nights my son didn’t sleep well, because he _______________ exhausted the following day.
f) After teaching lots of classes in a row, a teacher usually _________________beat!
g) What’s the matter? You _________________ so sad....

02. (QUESTÃO) Look at the following phrasal verbs:

to get/to get away/to get away with/to get back/to get down/to get off /to get out/to get over/to get to/to get up

a) A dangerous criminal _______________ last night.
b) Where did you __________________ these  owers?
c) I hope that dirty politician doesn’t ____________________ the crimes he’s been involved in.
d) Blue-collar workers must _________________ really early every morning.
e) Please email us when you _________________ London.
f) She takes the morning train and _________________ in São Leopoldo.
g) The kitten climbed the tree, but then couldn’t __________________again.
h) I had pneumonia, but furtunately I ____________________ after a few days.
i) The teacher got really mad at us and told me to ___________________of the room.
j) You can go to the party as long as you _________________ at midnight.

03. (QUESTÃO) Now look at the “give “ phrasal verbs: 

 To give/to give back/to give in/to give out/to give up

a) One of my favorite things is look at my little sister’s face when I ____________ her a gift. It’s lovely!
b) Can you lend me some money? I’ll _________ you ___________ next month when I get paid.
c) That restaurant ____________________food to the poor at the end of the day.
d) They’re too tight-fisted. They never _______________ money to the poor.
e) After 3 years of relationship we decided to ________ it ________. It was too hard to go on with it.
f) Alice finally _________________ and accepted the new conditions.

04. (QUESTÃO) Look at the phrasal verbs with “put”:

 To put/to put off /to put out/to put on/to put up with

a) Please _________________ your things on the table.
b) We really dislike our new boss. It’s tough to __________________ her the whole day...
c) Don’t forget to ____________your coat _______. It’s freezing outside.
d) Sorry to mention it, but you look overweight. Have you __________________ weight?
e) The meeting was _________________ to a later date.
f) Were they able to __________________ the fire?
g) Since your father is sick, why don’t you __________________ his birthday party?
h) George had to _______________ hard work last weekend.

05. (QUESTÃO) Look at the phrasal verbs with “take”:

 To take/to take down/to take for/to take off /to take back

a) Hurry up, our plane ___________________ at 5.
b) My car is being washed. Can you ________________ me ther to pick it up?
c) It’s boiling hot. I’ll have to ___________________ my shirt. Do you mind?
d) I have a terrible cold. I think I’ll ____________________ an aspirin.
e) Rita brought the dictionary last night, but she will _____________ it ____________ tomorrow.
f) Ms. Brown asked her secretary to ______________________ the letter.
g) My mother told me to __________________ the wet socks.
h) She is such a fluent English speaker that she is usually ____________________ a foreigner.

06. (QUESTÃO) Complete the sentences below with the “come” phrasal verbs:

 To come about/to come across/to come out/to come up

a) We were driving through a country road and suddenly we __________________ a beautiful bridge that we didn’t know, it was breathtaking.
b) The exams results will ________________ next month.
c) I’m having a party but I’m afraid nobody’s ____________________.
d) How do you usually _________________ here? By bus?
e) Last night an accident _____________________ right around the corner.

a) look for
b) look after
c) look at
d) look
e) looks
f) looks

a) got away
b) get
c) get
 away with
d) get up
e) get to
f) gets off 
g) get down
h) got over
i) get out
j) get back

a) give
b) give back
c) gives out
d) gives out
e) give up
f) gave in

a) put
b) put up with
c) put on
d) put on
e) put off 
f) put out
g) put off 
h) put up with

a) take off 
b) take
c) take off 
d) take
e) take back
f) take down
g) take off 
h) taken for

a) came across
b)come out
c) coming up
d) come
e) came about

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