Read the following sentences:
I. I am eternally grateful to you! By the way, I want to take you out for dinner! My treat!
II. Unfortunately, she gave up her singing career. Nevertheless, she continued acting as the main actress of the show.
III. We got a divorce because we did not love each other anymore. Besides, we realized that we did not have a lot in common.
IV. They danced all night long. Actually, they did not even sleep.
Now, choose the adverbial expressions that best replace the words underlined in the previous sentences.
Ⓐ Incidentally – however – furthermore – in fact.
Ⓑ Incidentally – moreover – furthermore – besides.
Ⓒ Furthermore – besides – however – in fact.
Ⓓ However – besides – furthermore – in fact.
Ⓔ Anyway – however – furthermore – in fact.

I. Sou eternamente grato a você! A propósito, quero levar você para jantar! Meu prazer!
II. Infelizmente, ela desistiu de sua carreira de cantora. Mesmo assim, ela continuou atuando como atriz principal do show.
III. Nos divorciamos porque não nos amávamos mais. Além disso, percebemos que não tínhamos muito em comum.
IV. Eles dançaram a noite toda. Na verdade, eles nem dormiram.

A sequência correta é:
A) Incidentally – however – furthermore – in fact.
           Aliás – porém – além disso – de fato.

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