Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below.
I. She congratulated me ____ passing the driving test.
II. My parents discouraged me ____ quitting my job.
III. She got married ____ a foreigner.
IV. Many young people dream ____ living abroad.
V. The mayor was forced to resign ____ his position.
a) for/ from / with /about / of
b) for/ for/ with / about / of
c) on / from / to / of / from
d) on / from / to / with / from
e) by / of / to / with / from

I. She congratulated me on passing the driving test. 
Ela me parabenizou por ter passado no teste de direção.
II. My parents discouraged me from quitting my job. 
Meus pais me desencorajaram a deixar o emprego.
III. She got married to a foreigner. 
Ela se casou com um estrangeiro.
IV. Many young people dream of living abroad.
Dream of: expressa desejo de realizar algo, de ser algo.
V. The mayor was forced to resign from his position.
O prefeito foi forçado a renunciar ao cargo.

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